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‘Enormous’ gas network storage capacity vital to decarbonisation
‘Gas to Listowel’ project progressing well
‘Inadequate’ modelling has undermined resilience: ENW CEO
‘Learning by doing’ on the road to net zero
‘Learning by doing’ on the road to net zero [test product]
‘Liquid air’ battery tech firm scales up to 50MW plant
‘Low cost’ substation monitor passes DNO field trials
‘Mafia-like’ panel skewing network charging reforms
‘Wrong’ to keep system operator role within National Grid
‘It is time’ for independent system operator says ECCC
‘Plenty of opportunity’ for heat sector after EU exit
‘Question mark remains’ over the future of gas: National Grid
‘Unquestionable need’ for innovation funding, networks tell Ofgem
“Awards help us to understand the art of the possible”
“The further you go from shore, the more HVDC stacks up”
“We need to retrain boiler engineers in low carbon heat skills”
“We’re having joint conversations, but behind on 2050”
“Winning means you have impressed your colleagues”
£1.4 million power boost in Sundridge
£1.4bn spending plan unveiled by SP Energy Networks for RIIO2
£1.4m project to upgrade gas pipes in Silverstone
£1.5m investment in South Wales power network
£12.3m invested in South East Wales’ gas network
£15m Cairngorms undergrounding project seeks public votes
£15m competition to spur energy systems innovation
£15m funding could see hydrogen trialled on gas network
£1bn ‘energy superhighway’ gets royal opening
£1m Innovate UK grant for new low-loss cable
£1m upgrade to Huddersfield gas distribution network
£2.1m power boost in Sutton
£2.8m substation boosts Perth’s electricity network
£20m project to modernise electricity network in Fife
£2m Camberley power supply project reaches next phase
£3.2m power upgrade in West Byfleet
£3.4m EV infrastructure plan being considered in Edinburgh
£3.5m investment in Salford power lines
£3.8m network boost for Western Isles
£30m funding for smart energy systems up for grabs
£320m investment for heat networks
£350m financing will support network investment in NI
£39m pilot launches heat networks investment project
£3m investment to upgrade network in North Ayrshire
£3m Stalybridge power upgrade completed
£4.7m investment in Seaham and Ryhope’s power network
£42m funding for energy storage research
£650,000 boost for South Wales power network
£6m network investment in East Kilbride
£7.5m strategic EV partnership launched
£7.6m investment in power network
£7.7m invested in Exeter’s gas network last year
£70m investment in rapid charging points
£70m network upgrade project progressing well
£8m investment to boost power network in Leicester
£9.8m V2G trial receives industry backing
£90m energy innovation competition launched
£9m power line refurbishment gets underway
100% hydrogen gas grid feasible says NGN
105 is live: The network’s emergency number
120MW battery storage portfolio transaction completed
160-year-old gas pipe ‘retired’
2020 vision: Siemens’ outlook on the next 12 months
23% rise in apprenticeship applications for WPD
3.5 mile electricity cable tunnel installed in London
42 Technology launches new substation monitoring system
5 ways to crack innovation Optimising assets, reducing risk and maximising return on investment
50MW battery will help power £41m Energy Superhub
A collaborative approach to delivering DSOs
A focus on community energy
A golden age: EA Technology celebrates 50 years
A leap forward in heat trust
A level playing field
A magazine is born – welcome to Network!
A material difference
A modern approach to network automation
A mountain to climb
A multipronged plan for heat
A new way to model Value of Lost Load
A new world order
A non-STEM affinity with Greg Clark
A pivotal year for the heat network sector
A platform-based approach to distribution operations
A whole new world
ABB and Fluor join forces for energy revolution
ABB and Rolls-Royce announce global microgrids cooperation
ABB brings “plug and play” microgrid solution to market
ABB extends eco switchgear range
ABB installs microgrid solution
ABB to connect offshore wind with HVDC in UK first
ABB to deploy world’s first power electronic fault current limiter
ABB to supply flexible power link to connect distribution grids
ABB wins £11.8m SPEN contract for substation upgrade
ABB wins £99m Hinkley Point C contract
ABB’s FFWD customer newsletter
ABB’s FFWD customer newsletter
Aberdeen set to benefit from £10m electricity network boost
Aberdeen substation transformed
Academics call for a rethink on smart meters
Accelerate IoT opportunities
Accelerated deployment could exacerbate design issues, warns heat industry
Accelerating innovation
Accelerating the EV revolution
Accessing energy markets
Achieving climate targets
Achieving EV charging consensus
Achieving the right climate
Achieving the UK’s zero carbon goals should include CHP
Actavo makes US acquisition
Active energy management
Active network management from LV to HV
Active network management triumph in Shetlands smart grid scheme
Adapting to the new reality
Addressing the skills shortage
ADE director stands down
ADE launches voluntary DSR Code of Conduct
ADE report highlights customer confusion over energy policy
ADE sets out policy roadmap for heat networks
ADE welcomes CMA study into heat networks
Adopting new technology: the view from Senergy
Ageing gas mains being replaced in Bury St Edmunds
Ageing transformers – mitigating risk
Ahead of the field
AI could halve the number of power cuts
AIM high
Airport’s power infrastructure to be delivered by UKPN Services
Alan Whitehead: the smart grid revolution
Alfen picks Moixa for ‘batteries on wheels’ EV trial
Align network price controls to boost innovation
Almost 100 apprentices start work at SSE
Amey lands major power wins
Amey secures £40m framework with Northern Powergrid
AMT transformers to cut power losses in Northern Powergrid trial
An alternative route to Black Start
An alternative source of power
An appetite for EVs
An effective way to reduce cable failures
An honourable mention: James Yu interview
An integrated energy system
An introduction to smart energy dynamics
An unprecedented opportunity for change
Analysis shows significant change to UK’s gas supply mix
Analytics a key building block for utility IoT solution
Anesco reveals plans for UK’s largest battery portfolio
Anesco unveils plans to quadruple battery storage
Application window for graduate scheme moves into final days
Applications for £320m HNIP funding invited
Apprentices graduate from ENW’s apprenticeship programme
Apprentices start work at UK Power Networks
Approval for electricity interconnector
Are industry skills challenges insurmountable?
Arup report highlights potential of hydrogen
Ascot network upgrade reaches half-way point
Assessing future heat options
Asset management strategies are changing
Asset management: moving from reactive to proactive
Atkins to lead hydrogen storage scoping
Automation technology reduces length of power cuts
Awareness campaign boosts priority services enquiries by 148%
Barring network-owned storage will raise bills, says UKPN
Barry Sheerman MP demands ‘smart’ action on CO dangers
Batteries enable 25% renewables boost at peak
Batteries installed in 100 homes as part of local energy trial
Batteries to provide reactive power in world-first project
Battersea Power Station fires up again
Battery enables landfill gas to balance grid
Battery prices could soar post-Brexit
BBC showcase for Northern Powergrid
Beama appoints new vice-president
BEAMA launches national infrastructure campaign
BEAMA members commit to net zero
BEAMA report calls for changes to electrification approach
Behaviour change: Q & A with Paul Bircham
BEIS appoints law firm to advise on heat networks
BEIS could boost electricity efficiency savings
BEIS eyes storage for black starts
BEIS needs to ‘completely re-think’ strategy for heating
BEIS not ‘jumping to conclusions’ on heat rules
BEIS pipes £25m into hydrogen demo for heating
BEIS plugs £20m into EV smart charging
BEIS provides update on electricity transmission projects
BEIS rebuked over capacity market rule change for batteries
BEIS spotlights heat networks with consultation and grants
BEIS unveils £80m EV investment
BEIS: current EFR contracts may not be profitable
BESA publishes district heating standard for HIUs
Better together with skills
Big Bang; bringing safety to gas
Biogas generation firm expands into flexibility
Biomethane pioneer recognised with Queen’s Award
Blackout report highlights need for review of security of supply standards
Blending hydrogen into the gas network
Blind spot: Why telecoms must not be overlooked in the pursuit of smart grids
Blue: when green just isn’t enough
BMT and NGET to explore innovation in energy highways
Bonfield speaks out on SGN sale
Boost district heating to help worst off, says SSE
Boost for North West hydrogen transition plans
BP to acquire UK’s largest EV charging company
Breaking the trade-off: sustained outages vs short interruptions
Brexit ‘bad for smart grids’, warns academic
Brexit and customer satisfaction
Brexit won’t stop the rise of EVs
Bridging the divide in a smart system
Briggs Marine awarded place on SSEN framework
Bringing innovation to life: a whole-system approach
Bristol aiming to become first zero-carbon smart city
Bristol companies sign clean energy deal
Bristol receives £10 million for low-carbon heat networks
Bristol’s bold leap of faith
Britain climbs into top 10 of low carbon power league
Britain’s electric grid goes coal-free for a week
Britain’s Energy Coast seeks partners for low-carbon microgrid
Britain’s energy sector targeted by ‘state-sponsored’ hackers
Brits put faith in reliability of power networks during winter
Brixton residents to trial smart ‘flexible energy’ project
BSR agrees five-year solar deal with Shell
BSR agrees solar deal with Mongoose Energy
Building a net-zero network for north Scotland
Building a net-zero network for north Scotland
Building relationships with network customers
Building the dream: energy systems integration
Burbo Bank wind farm to get battery bolt-on
Burns & McDonnell outlines commitment to West Midlands infrastructure
Burns & McDonnell partners with students to deliver EV research
Burns & McDonnell registered as ICP
Burns & McDonnell secures Innovate UK funding
Burns & McDonnell selected to advise on SEND project
Burns & McDonnell wins place on Ofgem framework
Businesses can bridge electricity capacity gap by 2020
Cabbies to help plan electric charging network
Cadent adds BMW bikes to emergency response fleet
Cadent adds BMW bikes to emergency response fleet
Cadent agrees to pay £24m for past failings
Cadent backs launch of major bio-CNG HGV refuelling station
Cadent chief executive to retire
Cadent diverts River Mersey to protect Manchester’s gas supplies
Cadent invests £10m in four energy sites
Cadent launches Norfolk solar farm to power its own sites
Cadent nominated for two ICE awards
Cadent picks up honours at IGEM Awards
Cadent proposes ‘hydrogen cluster’ in Liverpool and Manchester
Cadent ranked top UK company for apprentices to work for
Cadent scoops EI Technology Award
Cadent to expand robot technology
Cadent to pipe bio-gas to HGV refuelling stations
Cadent unveils plans for large-scale use of hydrogen
Cadent using ‘Gas Bots’ to carry out pipe repairs
Cadent working on gas pipe upgrade in Ramsbottom
Cadent’s ‘Gas-Bots’
Cadent’s flagship project nears completion
Cadent’s Tunnel Under the Thames project
Calculating storage and flexibility in a net-zero world
Call for evidence: Live
Call for greater EV infrastructure
Call for greater interoperability between EV charging networks
Call for key worker nominations
Call for major overhaul of UK’s energy sector
Call for more local energy trials at universities
Call for network charging regime review
Call for utilities to invest in new technologies to cope with growth of renewables
Call to bolster protections for district heating consumers
Camborne targets storage rollout through strategic partnership
Campaign group calls for extra conditions on heat network funding
Campaign to accelerate EVs and ‘smart’ charging urged
Capturing carbon
Capula hits deadline on SCS upgrade framework
Carbon Trust launches new initiative to transform energy system
Carmedy joins SGN
Case Study: Modelling, managing and mitigating fault levels
Catapult announces board additions
Catapult calls for better local energy planning
Catapult chooses five SMEs for Innovator Support Platform
Catch it, keep it: the role of CCS in decarbonising gas and heat
Cave confirmed as Ofgem chair
Cave selected as preferred candidate to be next Ofgem chairman
CCC report outlines measures needed to achieve climate targets
CCUS Cost Challenge Taskforce publishes report to Government
Cenex to carry out EV charge point feasibility study
Centrica installs 3MW battery for Gateshead Council
Centrica to build battery storage facility
CEOs commit to sector inclusion initative
Certain uncertainties
Challenges around RIIO2
Challenging the networks
Change voltage and frequency limits for power system transformation, says academic
Changing fast and slow
Changing industry gender ratios is easier said than done
Chapman joins CIGRE UK executive committee
Charging infrastructure prioritised in Road to Zero strategy
Chief engineer aims to bring ‘new technical focus’ to Ofgem
Chinese university develops state-of-the-art software tool for Integrated Energy System planning
Circuit breaker testing with OMICRON
Cisco and PNDC join forces
Cisco invests in UK smart grid future
Citizens Advice calls for automatic compensation for network customers
Citizens Advice calls on networks to return “unjustified profits”
Citizens Advice urges Ofgem to tackle network debt costs
Citizens Advice wants Ofgem to cut network profits by an extra £4.1bn
City of London to get power boost
Clarity lacking on apprenticeship levy
Clark gives go-ahead to energy-from-waste plant
Clark leaves BEIS
Clarke takes up new role at Wales & West Utilities
CLASS project adopted by National Grid
Clean energy overtakes fossil fuel power in Q3
Closing the door on substation crime
CMA calls for regulation of heat networks
CMA considers regulation for heat networks
CMA rejects appeal on transmission charges
CNG opens Europe’s largest renewable biomethane refuelling station
CNG should be ‘fuel of choice’ for freight vehicles
Collaboration in action
Collaboration on skills gaps brings benefits for all
Collaborative energy project hosts Cabinet Secretary visit
Commercial EV project announced in UK
Commons launches EV inquiry
Communities benefit from SSEN’s resilience fund
Community energy powering thousands of homes, report shows
Companies invited to take advantage of OpenLV electricity data
Comparing markets
Complex whole systems for critical national infrastructure
Composite conductor cuts transmission connection time
Composite is the best alternative to wooden poles
Composite is the best alternative to wooden poles
Composite poles used to power up Scotland
Compressed natural gas station opened in Ireland
Confusion over EV charging network speeds
Connection options highlighted in ENA consultation
Connections provider announces new exec team
Considering the impacts of localised energy
Consultation launched on ‘Future Worlds’ for smart grid
Consultations are damaging investor confidence in storage
Consumer coalition sets out RIIO2 vulnerability proposals
Consumer groups to gain more power in RIIO2
Consumer power key to heat pump roll-out, says HPA
Consumers back hydrogen for heating but fear cost hikes
Consumers matter
Consumers pose biggest barrier to low-carbon heat
Consumers want a role in Britain’s energy infrastructure, ENW research shows
Consumers warm to ‘smart’ energy but fear complexity
Contract signed on 32.5km London Power Tunnel Phase 2
Converting innovation: Q&A with Stewart Reid
Cornwall’s largest energy storage system coming to solar-powered farm
Coronavirus gives grids a taste of the future
Coronavirus outbreak sends global gas prices tumbling
Coronavirus: the networks react
Cost of backing up solar is ‘negligible’
Cost of EV tariffs unclear to consumers
Costain webinar highlights five ways to crack innovation
Could hydrogen be used to power homes?
Could hydrogen piggyback on natural gas infrastructure?
Council scales up battery storage site to reap income rewards
Council’s ‘pioneer’ subsidy free solar farm goes live
Councils encouraged to apply for charge-point funding
Councils to charge by the hour for streetworks
Creating a digital twin
Creating certainty
Critics fear Ofgem’s charging review will stifle renewables
Cross-sector partnership to drive adoption of drones
Crouch joins Burns & McDonnell
Customer engagement group starts work
Customers able to track power cuts
Customers overcharged by £24bn due to regulator error, Citizens Advice claims
Cutting the cost of the networks
Cyber safety warning over UK’s energy infrastructure
Cyber security: defending the grid
Cyber threat to energy infrastructure, Kapersky Lab research finds
Cybersecurity: defending the grid
Cybersecurity: making smart homes secure
Danish and Scottish governments sign heat MoU
Data is key to delivering smarter DSOs
Data sharing project will highlight underground cables
Data: maximising value, minimising risk
Data: maximising value, minimising risk
David Rutherford, chief executive, Power Networks Demonstration Centre
David Smith: Turning up the network heat
Dealing with a digitalised grid if the internet breaks down
Dealing with data
Dealing with distributed energy
Dealing with the digital enemy: the rise of cybercrime
Dealing with uncertainty
Dealing with weather events
Debating the steep path to net-zero 2050
Decarbonisation Action Plan targets greenwashed energy tariffs
Decarbonisation driving change at ENW
Decarbonisation progress slowing, Ofgem report shows
Decarbonising transport: accelerating towards net-zero
Decarbonising transport: accelerating towards net-zero
Decc axed
Decc offers £1.5m funding boost to heat networks
Decc refuses to ‘tie Ofgem’s hands’ on onshore tendering
Decentralisation – unlocking the key to the future network
Decoding ‘peer-to-peer’ for electricity networks
Dedicated distributed energy desk setup by National Grid
Delivering an energy roadmap
Delivering demand response
Delivering electricity to the grid
Delivering the networks of the future
Delivering the smart grid with bandwith for the future
Demand for gas in Ireland reaches all-time high
Demand for renewable biomethane almost triples
Denmark interconnector to move into construction phase
Deploying energy storage solutions
Deploying energy storage solutions
Dermot Nolan to remain as Ofgem chief executive until 2020
Developers pin hopes on batteries as renewables flatline
Developing a transport-energy plan
Developing domestic hydrogen appliances ‘needs strong policy direction’
Developing leaders for a low-carbon future
Development of the future energy system – addressing the emerging barriers
Device powers 45,000 homes with renewable energy
Diamond Transmission Partners wins Ofgem’s wind farm link tender
Dieter Helm resurrects network-led smart metering argument
Digital map will show all of UK’s underground assets
Digitalisation and data
Digitalising the network
Direction of heat policy to be outlined in carbon plan
Discarding gas grid would be ‘insanity’
Discovering data
Disruptive technologies rewarded at UK Energy Innovation Awards
Distributed ReStart project: live trials
District energy scheme to get £1m boost from DSR
District heat: an attractive investment?
District heat: follow the leading light?
District heating standards should be compulsory
Disused mine shafts could become energy stores
DNO’s spend frugal £3.2bn on network management
DNOs avoid penalties in Ofgem’s 2018/19 ICE connection review
DNOs awarded £5.5m for ‘exceptional’ innovation
DNOs could be given greater powers to free up network capacity
DNOs face penalties over subpar connection services
DNOs need ‘real credit’ for innovation work, says ENW boss
DNOs pocket 32 per cent profits, claims thinktank
DNOs publish data on connected assets over 1 MW
DNOs still able to ‘game the system’ under RIIO
DNOs test self-healing cable to minimise leaks
Document reveals Labour plan to nationalise energy networks
Dogs to do leakage detection
Domestic storage could change design rules for retrofit PV
Domestic storage will dominate by 2024
Don’t care, wont care
Don’t rule out DNO-owned storage, ENA warns
Drawing on experience
Drax director to replace Johnson at ENW
Drilling starts at UK’s first deep geothermal electricity plant
Driving innovation forward
Drone project begins flight trials on energy network assets
Drone trials hailed a success
Drones take off in wind sector
DSO concept is a ‘classic British fudge’
DSOs and data
DSR hampered by fear of disruption
DSR is ‘fanciful nonsense’, says union
DSR is the future of balancing, not crisis management
Dunamis announces £8.9m in new utility infrastructure contracts
Early alert for vulnerable customers
Eaton launches UK storage roadshow
ECCC member Heappey ‘relatively relaxed’ over scrapping of Decc
Eden Project wins £16.8m to drill for geothermal heat
EDF and Nissan announce low-carbon vehicle partnership
EDF and Nuvve to install V2G chargers in UK
EDF buys storage-to-charging challenger Pivot Power
EDF Energy enters asset optimisation deal
EDF signs new EV co-operation agreement with Nissan
Editor’s note: Planning New Year’s resolutions
Editor’s weekly: Gas future still unsettled
Editor’s weekly: Political turmoil hampers innovation direction
Editor’s weekly: Smart meters and gas safety
Editor’s weekly: the next phase for decarbonisation
Editor’s blog: The biggest tests of resilience are yet to come
Editor’s weekly: A challenge awaits response
Editor’s weekly: a plot twist for Hinkley
Editor’s Weekly: Anticipating a call for evidence
Editor’s weekly: Asset performance is an innovation priority
Editor’s weekly: Brexit should spur industry collaboration
Editor’s weekly: EFR winners and losers
Editor’s weekly: LCNI 2016
Editor’s weekly: The department is dead, long live the department!
Editor’s weekly: Who you gonna call?
EI report reveals gas industry’s views on climate change
EI survey results highlight industry’s verdict on UK energy
EIC and Cadent seek bright ideas for dementia sufferers
EIC appoints new chairman
EIC launches innovation “lab” programme
EIC seeks top SME innovators to showcase ‘game changing’ tech
Election should be about more than just tariffs
ElectraLink launches Energy Market Data Hub
ElectraLink signs deal with National Grid to provide generation data
Electric Nation findings call for EV tariffs
Electric storage heating – a Cinderella solution
Electric vehicles: friend or foe?
Electric vehicles: who should pay?
Electricity demand set to reduce if UK workforce self-isolates
Electricity distribution networks – a new model for a new age
Electricity flexibility project gets Ofgem green light
Electricity innovation showcase highlights savings of £149m
Electricity North West announces flexibility requirements
Electricity North West announces partnership with GridBeyond
Electricity North West complete power upgrade
Electricity North West hooks up Manchester Metrolink extension
Electricity North West launches decarbonisation plan
Electricity North West owners sell 50% stake in business
Electricity North West signs £400m maintenance deal
Electricity North West to carry out £2m power project
Electricity storage: a new business case perspective
Electrifying the low carbon heat debate
Elexon backs industry panel reforms
Embedded benefits “distorting” energy market
Embracing change
Embracing change
ENA announces second Electricity Innovation Forum event
ENA calls for RIIO2 customer panels
ENA champions network key workers in new campaign
ENA consults on electricity innovation strategy
ENA consults on new distributed energy markets
ENA invites feedback on gas innovation strategy
ENA invites feedback on Open Networks Project
ENA launches best-practice guides for flexibility services
ENA launches election wish list for net-zero
ENA launches gas and electricity innovation strategies
ENA launches new Electricity Innovation Forum
ENA launches new gas grid decarbonisation project
ENA launches next stage of innovation strategy plans
ENA launches project to aid evolution of network roles
ENA launches Winter Resilience Committee
ENA report highlights gas networks priorities
ENA reveals roadmap for shift to DSO model
ENA says simplicity is key to unlocking potential of flexibility
ENA seeking views on ‘internet of energy’ blueprint
ENA to publish DSO implementation plan summer 2020
ENA welcomes select committee’s CCUS report
Enabling the energy revolution
Enabling the smart energy networks of the future
Enabling the smart grid
Enel takes over Enernoc in $250m deal
Energy & Utility Skills Group appoint Barrett
Energy & Utility Skills Group appoint Barrett
Energy & Utility Skills Group appoints new chair
Energy and transport integration
Energy and utilities sector welcomes commitment to apprenticeships
Energy Assets partners with Womens Utilities Network
Energy CEOs call for gender balance at senior level
Energy consumers continue to shape market
Energy Data Taskforce launched
Energy firms told to boost cyber security
Energy flexibility: transforming the power system by 2030
Energy flexibility: transforming the power system by 2030
Energy management through waste heat to be explored
Energy Minister praises OVO’s EV offering
Energy networks
Energy networks ‘may not have their monopolies’ in 20 years, says regulator
Energy networks commit to £17bn smart grid opportunity
Energy networks could use drones for inspections
Energy networks elaborate on transformation plans
Energy networks unveil plans for joint innovation strategies
Energy Potential: emerging applications of energy storage
Energy revolution risks creating two-tier economy
Energy sector urges politicians to unite for net-zero
Energy SMEs tempted to diversify with £35,000 prize
Energy storage and smart cities
Energy storage could cut bills by £50 by 2030, says Carbon Trust
Energy storage will allow customers greater flexibility
Energy storage: Delivering power locally
Energy Superhub launched in Oxford
Energy Systems Catapult and Beama formalise joint working
Energy Systems Catapult central to ISCF Energy Revolution
Energy Systems Catapult expands regional presence
Energy Systems Catapult outlines five-year plan
Energy Systems Catapult to move to Birmingham city centre
Energy Systems Catapult to outline five-year plan
Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) whole energy system analysis
Energy trading and asset management in a ‘flex’ market
Energy UK drives smart charging standards for EVs
Energy white paper due end of March, whip confirms
- joins Faversham House
Engineering firm makes leadership pledge
Enhanced Frequency Response – investing in the future of energy
Ensuring resilience
ENW adds network capacity ahead of net-zero 2038 commitment
ENW bidders left ‘spooked’ by nationalisation plans
ENW buys electric diggers to dig the road to zero carbon
ENW chief confirms strategic review could lead to sale
ENW close to completing cable replacement project
ENW confirms customer engagement group appointments
ENW highlights innovative schemes to Ofgem
ENW investing £3m in power network
ENW prepares for winter with new scalable contact centre
ENW ready for high winds and snow
ENW restores power to 4,000 customers after Storm Gareth hits
ENW to automate 100% of LV network by 2018
ENW to deliver upgrade in Manchester’s Northern Quarter
ENW to pay businesses to help balance grid
ENW trialling substation cooling to cut costs
ENW using helicopters to inspect overhead pylons
ENW working on Macclesfield power upgrade
ENW’s Smart Street project helps control voltage
Eon ramps up focus on electric vehicles
Eon starts works on new battery storage project
Eon to test storage potential for commercial customers
ERP launches report on resilience of electricity system
ESC calls on SMEs to apply for Innovation Support
ESC launches modelling tool for 2050 scenario planning
ESC policy review into local energy markets
ESO to run electricity system with zero carbon by 2025
ETI appoints new chief executive
ETI calls for ‘smart’ charging and incentives on EV adoption
ETI calls for rethink over heat
ETI launches hydrogen storage project
ETI outlines energy system scenarios
ETI report highlights hybrids as option for decarbonising HGVs
ETI report highlights importance of CCUS deployment
ETI report recommends increased biomass production
ETI sets out multi-vector energy plan
ETI to investigate implications of network integration
EU invests €263 million to strengthen grid
EU network codes will have unintended consequences for UK energy system warns expert
EUA: Green gas infrastructure can help government tackle climate change
Europe-wide survey scores GB low on electricity system flexibility
EV battery emissions offset by lower carbon electricity system
EV car share schemes to be rolled out in Scotland
EV chargepoints must use innovative ‘smart’ technology
EV cross-sector group to take step forward
EV drivers set to benefit from new roaming agreement
EV market at tipping point, report suggests
EV project recognised by Ofgem
EV smart charging marketplace trial launched
EV smart charging providers pledge to open their networks
EV trial offers free smart chargers
EV uptake adding to lithium price spike
Evolving substations of the future
EVs – no longer the butt of petrol-head jokes
EVs added to network operator’s fleet
EVs could cut cost of running UK power system by £270m a year
EVs could provide 11GW of flexibility by 2030
EVs: a car park of storage
EVs: Can they help defer costly reinforcements?
Examining blockchain
Executives worried cyber-attacks could bring down grids
Expect the unexpected
Expert team to advise Citizens’ Assembly on climate change
Faraday Grid attracts £25m investment
Faraday Grid launches Faraday Exchanger technology
Farm workers urged to take care near overhead power lines
Feedback invited on electricity innovation strategy
Field Service Management: how to get the most out of your mobile workforce
Field Service Management: how to get the most out of your mobile workforce
Fifth OFTO tender round kicks off
Fight crime with a culture change
Final chance to enter Utility Week Stars Awards
Final phase of £3m Stalybridge power upgrade starts
Final phase of gas mains replacement taking place at Roman site
Final stage of Lewes power upgrade starts
Finding fault: bringing fresh intelligence to LV network management
Finding faults
Findings of ENA’s Future Worlds consultation revealed
Firms invited to bid for construction of Ireland-Wales interconnector
First apprentice appointed on North London Heat & Power Project
First blockchain based grid asset register launched
First ever fortnight of coal-free operation
First live hydrogen trials on campus ‘living lab’
First live trades on Cornwall’s local energy market platform
First power conductor in 30 years doubles capacity in Scotland
First trial selling ‘heat as a service’ instead of KWh
First vanadium flow battery cleared for final installation
Fit for digital
Five hydrogen projects share £28m BEIS funding
Five make Burbo Bank OFTO shortlist
Five remain in final bidding round for Electricity North West
Five ways LiDAR technology is mapping the future
Fleets could lead the EV roll-out
Flex uptake needs tougher targets, warns Energy UK
Flexibility is key
Flexibility needed ‘urgently’ to avoid spiralling renewable costs
Flexibility platforms could launch smarter networks
Flexible connections free 3.7GW of network capacity
Flexible Networks: Storage & DSR Conference
Flexible price controls needed for uncertain future
Flexitricity secures £20m in savings over a decade of smart grid operations
Flogas signs deal to fill Avonmouth void
Fluid movement: new transformer fluids are shifting asset risk profiles
Flying the line
Foresight acquires 2.5MW AD plant on Isle of Wight
Former Energy Minister to oversee power plans for SP Energy Networks
Former gas storage facility to become LPG terminal
Former National Grid chair joins green gas firm
Former Ofgem chief joins ENW as non-executive director
Former Ofgem director appointed as chair of CEG at SPEN
Fossil fuel heating in new builds to be phased out in 2020s
FPSA the right vehicle for driving energy future
FPSA to “challenge” established power system architecture
Fraser appointed CEO at Cadent
Free UW seminar: Improving digital experiences for vulnerable customers
Frequency Response
Fresh pressure to regulate heat decarbonisation
From East into West
From the front line: Chris Garside and Andy Simcoe, Northern Gas Networks
From the front line: Jamie Sainsbury, SSEN
From TV to EVs
Fulcrum achieves £2m order book growth
Fulcrum buys Dunamis Group for £22m
Fulcrum completes CDS acquisition
Fulcrum connects £4m gas pipeline to Devon factory
Fulcrum granted iDNO licence
Fulcrum partners with Chargepoint to drive forward UK’s EV ambitions
Fundamentals partners with GE
Funding amped up for EV charging in London
Funding for SSEN electric vehicle scheme
Future Networks 2017
Future Networks Conference
Future of Heat
Future vision for energy outlined by ENW
FutureSmart – A smart grid for all
Gas and electricity infrastructure well protected, report finds
Gas demand volatility linked to renewables
Gas grid connections best way to combat fuel poverty
Gas grid decarbonisation needed, report argues
Gas has ‘important role’ in all foreseeable futures
Gas heating in new homes will be banned from 2025
Gas must go green now
Gas network achieves pinnacle of customer service
Gas network evolution cheapest way to decarbonise heat
Gas networks ‘exaggerating’ peak heat challenge
Gas networks call for ideas from low carbon innovators
Gas networks defend RIIO returns
Gas networks in line for transporting shale gas: Decc
Gas Networks Ireland issues Brexit update
Gas Networks Ireland secures €100m EIB investment
Gas on the agenda
Gas-powered buses are better value, claims trade body
Gas: four paths to 2050
Gas’s role in a renewable world
Gasholders to be removed from Welwyn site
GDN CO charity fund aims to boost awareness of silent killer
GDN wins contract to install dual fuel smart meters
GDNs support creation of Parliamentary group for hydrogen
Germany to switch on more coal-fired power despite 2038 exit
Get ahead of the IoT device management challenge
Get infrastructure right or risk failure of 5G rollout
Getting green networks up to speed
Getting ready to transform the power system
Getting regulation right
Getting regulation right
Getting the power back on
GIB commits £35m to energy-from-waste-plant
Give EV drivers “right to roam” across networks, APPG chair urges
Given the green light: electricity
Given the green light: gas
GMB wants UK to reduce reliance on interconnectors
Going digital: the hidden wealth of grids
Good Energy: protect local grids from EVs now
Governance needed to fill heat policy ‘vacuum’
Government abandons opposition to subsidising new onshore windfarms
Government announces £2.5m funding for on-street EV charging points
Government announces funding boost for EV infrastructure
Government announces plans to regulate heat networks
Government capacity market measures will hit distributed generation, ADE warns
Government invests £246m in battery technology
Government invests £30m in V2G technologies
Government launches investigation into major power outage
Government must act to prevent energy market civil war
Government must heed ‘nightmarish’ black out warning
Government seeks powers to set smart tech standards
Government updates Apprenticeship Levy plans
Government urged to develop smart charging systems for EVs
Graduates start work at UK Power Networks
Grain LNG terminal marks record month in December
Grandfathering cuts to embedded benefits would save £590m
Grasp the UK microgrid opportunity
Great Britain’s lowest carbon Christmas
Great Scott! 1.21 gigawatts!
Green fuel for HGVs
Green fuels needed for long-term energy storage
Green gas could heat majority of homes in Britain, says Ecotricity
Green gases could heat up to 15 million homes by 2050
Green gasses will help solve the energy trilemma
Green groups call for EV rollout to be accelerated
Green light for Orkney transmission link
Green, amber and red lights for EV installers in north east
Grenfell report praises Cadent operation to seal gas mains
Grid-injected biomethane industry receives boost
Ground-breaking energy storage operational in Newcastle
H21 project highlights potential of hydrogen
Habitat Energy wins 40MW battery storage deal
Half of North West revealed to be energy efficient
Halliwell appointed customer champion at Electricity North West
Has a tipping point been reached in the smart utility era?
Hat-trick of Utility Week Award wins for UK Power Networks
Haydale delivers pipe sealing system to National Grid
Health and safety – how we’re getting better
Heat 2016
Heat energy “greatest decarbonisation challenge”
Heat Interface Units: efficiency and performance expectations
Heat loss headaches
Heat network company welcomes its first customers in Enfield
Heat network efficiency to be explored at event (Guru Systems – Quantifying Performance)
Heat networks and the trilemma
Heat networks bottleneck
Heat Networks Investment Project to launch in Autumn
Heat networks: the post-Brexit energy solution?
Heat networks: where is innovation needed?
Heat Trust consults on plans to open up customer scheme
Heat Trust extends protection to more households
Heat Trust report highlights need for customer service
Heat-as-service declared a hit in Living Labs trial
Heating bills slashed in heat pump pilot
Helicopter used to install composite power poles
Helicopters used to inspect NI power network
Helm report: Solution or just another input?
Higher wind speeds to boost power output for 10 years
Highview Power launches first grid-scale liquid air energy storage plant
Highways England to install 50 EV charging points across road network
Holliday named president elect of Energy Institute
Home is where the heat is
Honda and Moixa convert Islington to smart EVs
Hoppecke launch explosion-proof EV battery
Householders vital to net-zero transition, says ADE
How Cadent is building a low-carbon future for the UK
How E.ON. is helping the City of London become a zero emissions city
How E.ON. is helping the City of London become a zero emissions city
How gamification can support the energy transition
How harnessing data can make your connected assets work for you
How is coronavirus affecting the networks’ at an operational level?
How materials science will underpin the future energy network
How networks can overcome the EV challenge
How to be successful in the fast moving and dynamic market for flexibility
How to be successful in the fast moving and dynamic market for flexibility
How will energy look in 2035?
How will Energy Storage be deployed?
How will Energy Storage be deployed?
HSE’s ‘Future of Gas’ energy conference
Humber plan for 2040 zero carbon cluster centres on Drax
HWA launch heat networks design guide
Hybrid battery demo enters third phase
Hybrid heating demo hits early milestone
Hybrid liquid air energy storage project awarded £1.5m
Hydrogen boilers, CCUS and biogas critical to net-zero heat, says ENA report
Hydrogen boilers: here today, in your home tomorrow
Hydrogen gas grid for Leeds moves a step closer
Hydrogen gas grid would transform CCS economics
Hydrogen must benefit UK more than offshore wind, say businesses
Hydrogen project could unlock £1bn investment for North West
Hydrogen project wins government funding
Hydrogen testing facility opened
Hydrogen to fuel north west homes and businesses by 2024
Hydrogen trial given green light
Hydrogen’s role in the future UK energy system
HyNet project on track to be operational by 2024
Ideas sought for £90m annual innovation competition
IDNO Leep Utilities wins ‘dark kitchen’ contract
IEC 61850 and the revolution in substation communications
IGEM chosen to develop new hydrogen standards
IGEM launches new programme of scholarships
Ill-fitting protective equipment puts women at risk
IME report calls on government support for hydrogen
IME wants networks to improve digital infrastructure
Improving customer contact in the WhatsApp era
Improving energy infrastructure resilience
Increase in women on executive committees at utilities firms
Independent gas transportation network to be sold
Independent panel set up to challenge networks business plans
Industrial strategy for networks must be ‘hyper-local’
Industry ‘Breakthrough’ – industry-first upgradeable security doors that allow savings of up to 50%
Industry ‘Breakthrough’ – industry-first upgradeable security doors that allow savings of up to 50%
Industry anticipates EV surge as conventional cars phased out
Industry comes together to discuss take-up of EVs
Industry must break step to cross the bridge
Industry partners awarded £10m for ‘Black Start’ project
Industry recognised at Decentralised Energy Awards
Industry views on blackout
Innovate to transform: The network innovation allowance
Innovating for skills
Innovating towards a DSO model
Innovation as usual
Innovation delivered
Innovation for networks: beyond the buzzwords
Innovation for the nation
Innovation in UK utilities: a state of the nation report
Innovation into BAU: three steps to success
Innovation investments top £15.7 million for EIC
Innovation must become ‘business as usual’ for network companies
Innovative project highlights integrated energy solutions
Innovator Support Portal to provide international support for SMEs
Innovators recognised at UK Energy Innovation Awards 2019
Insights shared over gas-fired power generation
Integration imperative: Q&A with Philip New
Integration of OT and IT key for asset management gains, say industry executives
Interconnection will be “real problem” in Brexit, says Whitehead
International award for UKPN
Investigation launched over NGET’s demand forecasting
Investing in the energy decarbonisation transformation benefits consumers
Investment in north west’s power network continues
Investment in V2G
Ipsum Group acquires Stormport
Ipsum Group invests in HV company
Ireland Power conference
Is CCS worth the candle?
Is critical infrastructure destined for the cloud?
Is flexibility expertise tomorrow’s export opportunity?
Is governance fit for purpose?
It’s the wrong kind of disruption
Italian firm plugs €20m into Tynemouth storage project
Johnson quits as MP and BEIS minister
Johnson toughens up targets on coal power and EVs
Join the dots: a talk with the NIC’s Philip Graham
Joined up approach needed to convert EV ambition
Jones announced as new chairman of ENA
Judges confirmed for Network Awards
JV offering businesses battery storage deal
Kaluza and WPD deliver first domestic battery flex service
Keele University: paving the way for intelligent energy grid research
Keeping assets safe
Keeping electricity engineers safe, and comfortable
Keeping electricity engineers safe, and comfortable
Keeping networks safe
Keeping networks safe
Keeping our options open
Keeping power cuts to a minimum
Keeping regulatory certainty
Keeping the lights on
Kennington Tube Station utilises silent hybrid energy solution
Khan’s EV fund could transform ‘underinvested’ power network
Labour backs gas grid evolution
Labour conference: Domestic DSR gains will be ‘limited’
Labour conference: Former shadow energy minister backs change to SO
Labour outlines fast track to zero carbon energy by 2030
Labour pledges public ownership of networks
Labour’s nationalisation plan adds ‘Big Six’ to DNOs
Lake District scenery enhanced as power lines removed
Land rights company wins Small Business Sunday award
Landmark energy partnership for Siemens and Keele University
Landmark for English Channel electricity link project
Latest phase of £3m Stalybridge power upgrade starts
Laying the foundations for heat network growth
LCNF benefits could reach £7.8bn
LCNF success is ‘not defined by business as usual’
LCNI Conference details announced
LCNI: clarity, collaboration, and customer
Leading glassmaker appoints Smith Brothers for grid connection
Leadsom gets top job at BEIS
Leadsom sets out scope of investigation into power cuts
Leaked DEFRA report says net zero goal may increase air pollution
Learning from Norway
Learning is key
Leep Utilities awarded contract to power Liverpool’s waterfront
Leep Utilities granted IGT licence
Letting networks own storage would ‘distort the market’
Leveraging linepack
Lights and heating will stay on after Brexit, National Grid says
Limejump wins contract to manage Britain’s biggest battery
Liquidity will be ‘a real challenge’ for local energy markets
Lithium-ion batteries in spotlight over cobalt claim
Liverpool plugs in district heat for new science campus
Load patterns and lockdown: how Covid-19 is impacting electricity networks
Local authorities are advancing the pace on net-zero
Local balancing is ‘dangerous’, warns Italian TSO
Local energy in action
Local energy planning needed to meet decarbonisation targets
Local microgrids must pay network charges
Locating faults
Loch Buidhe substation powers up
Logan’s hydrogen refuelling station to power Belfast buses
London bus garage goes electric
London streetlights provide EV charge
London to host wireless EV charging trial
Looking after your assets
Lord Bourne speaks out on Brexit energy risks
Low carbon heat must go electric in 2020, says GSHPA
Low Carbon invests in district heating to develop replicable finance model
Low carbon jobs and revenue in growth, says ONS
Low carbon security of supply: the case for CCS is building
Low carbon vision: insights from the NTVV innovation project
Low-carbon heat networks awarded £24 million
Mackay visits Smarter Grid Solutions
Maintaining a resilient energy system
Major power cut could have been prevented, expert claims
Majority of EV drivers willing to use smart charging
Make the future better by design
Making climate change local with UK100
Making digital asset management a reality
Making digital asset management a reality
Making excavation safer
Making networks tick
Making rural heat networks happen
Making substations the cornerstone of your smart grid
Making the case for heat network funding
Making the case for innovation
Making the most of the electricity we store
Making the most of your assets
Man cheats death after coming into contact with power line
Managing customer expectations
Managing vegetation
Managing your assets
Manchester explosion was not due to network fault
Marine survey work starts for Greenlink interconnector
Maximising power generation from older landfill sites
Maxine Frerk: Letter from America
Mayor sets out London’s EV charging network plans