
National Grid ESO pledges £2bn savings under RIIO-T2
The National Grid ESO is anticipating the creation of savings and benefits worth £2bn in the RIIO-T2 price control period, according to the finalised business plan it submitted to Ofgem this week.

Worry-free DGA monitor commissioning from Vaisala
At Vaisala, as well as supplying world-class measurement equipment for monitoring transformer oil, we are also here to make sure our customers can get the most out of their monitoring equipment, and help take the stress out of getting it up and running.

SSEN projects £2.4bn investment in RIIO-T2 plan
SSEN Transmission, responsible for the north of Scotland electricity transmission system, has submitted its RIIO-T2 business plan to energy regulator Ofgem, with a plan to invest £2.4bn.

A collaborative approach to delivering DSOs
Han Xu, research and design engineer at the University of Strathclyde's Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC), on its unique capabilities to support the need for a flexible network.

AMT transformers to cut power losses in Northern Powergrid trial
Northern Powergrid is trialling a new type of transformer that can dramatically reduce power losses, becoming the UK's first distribution network operator (DNO) to trial the equipment.

SSEN wins £9.5m for low-carbon emergency power study
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has secured over £9.5m of funding from Ofgem's Network Innovation Competition (NIC), for a project examining new solutions for network resilience in a low carbon world.

UKPN and Innovate UK map 66 routes to ‘V2G’ future
A project led by UK Power Networks and Innovate UK has mapped 66 "vehicle-to-grid" energy storage trials around the world, including the UK, the US, Japan, Korea and Namibia.

Ofgem backs H21 hydrogen project with £6.8m grant
H21, the programme from the UK gas industry to work towards converting the network to carry 100% hydrogen, has been awarded £6.8m in Ofgem innovation funding to support a second phase of research and development.

Policy & Regulation
SSEN identifies seven steps to net-zero in DSO transition report
Seven key policies, including changes to the Ofgem regulatory regime to facilitate "anticipatory investment", would ensure that UK electricity network infrastructure is prepared for net-zero, a report by distribution network operator SSEN has argued.

People & Skills
New campaign calls for dementia-friendly energy ideas
Improvements to the way utilities deliver services to people living with dementia are expected to result from a new campaign launched by the Energy Innovation Centre (EIC).

Consumers back hydrogen for heating but fear cost hikes
The majority of the UK public would support hydrogen blending as a stop-gap to decarbonise domestic heating supply, but a potential increase in energy bills is a significant concern, the latest research from Newcastle University has revealed.

Chinese university develops state-of-the-art software tool for Integrated Energy System planning
New cloud-based software for Integrated Energy System (IES) planning and analysis has been developed by researchers at Southeast University (SEU) in China, led by Dr Suyang Zhou and Professor Wei Gu.

Consumer power key to heat pump roll-out, says HPA
The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has launched a new report, "Delivering net zero: A roadmap for the role of heat Pumps", outlining the heat pump industry's readiness to deliver decarbonisation of heat.

ENW buys electric diggers to dig the road to zero carbon
Electricity North West is turning its streetworks operations a darker shade of green by purchasing two innovative JCB electric mini diggers, following a successful trial period.

Critics fear Ofgem’s charging review will stifle renewables
Ofgem has held firm on its plan to reform the way the electricity networks recover the cost of providing pylons and cabling from consumers, a decision that it says will remove "harmful distortions" from the current charging framework.

People & Skills
Free UW seminar: Improving digital experiences for vulnerable customers
Overcoming the challenges of delivering excellence in digital services to priority service customers will be the topic of a new Utility Week webinar.

Northern Powergrid goes Dutch in 100 MW auction
Distribution Network Operator (DNO) Northern Powergrid has announced plans for a flexibility auction - covering generation, storage and demand-side response - using an e-auction platform and a "dynamic purchasing" methodology.

UKPN unveils flexibility tender across 115 sites
UK Power Networks (UKPN) has launched what is believed to be the UK's largest ever tender for flexibility services and storage, highlighting 115 sites where renewables could boost network capacity and reduce costs for customers.

Siemens launches new IoT apps and protection relay
Siemens is launching two new products at the European Utility Week show in Paris - a new suite of grid diagnostic apps that exploits Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and a new protection relay device, the Reyrolle 5.

Networks specialist joins free UW asset data webinar
Dan Wilson, asset data manager and Network Management System Data Lead at Electricity North West, will join the line up on Utility Week's forthcoming webinar on using AI technology to improve asset data.

Northern Powergrid teams up with troops in flood-hit Doncaster
Northern Powergrid is supporting customers in the village of Fishlake, Doncaster, affected by last weekend's flooding, while also preparing for more heavy rain forecast across Lincolnshire and Yorkshire for the end of this week.

OPSS advises on new heat network notification rules
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), the government agency responsible for enforcing the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014, has announced changes to the official notification process for heat network operators.

“Awards help us to understand the art of the possible”
Paul Jordan, business lead for the Innovator Support Platform at the Energy Systems Catapult, will be joining the Network Awards 2020 judging panel. We asked him how he sees the role of awards events amid the wider challenges the sector faces.

Cadent to pipe bio-gas to HGV refuelling stations
An alternative fuel company has announced plans to offer HGV fleet operators biomethane gas - piped through the gas network - as an alternative to diesel that can achieve net zero emissions.

The road to a low carbon future
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks' (SSEN) EV readiness manager, Richard Hartshorn, discusses the distribution network operator's role in the transition to a low carbon world for drivers, tourists and consumers.

ENW adds network capacity ahead of net-zero 2038 commitment
Electricity North West has announced the start of work to add capacity to the power network in south Manchester in support of the £7m South Manchester Enterprise Zone project.

£15m Cairngorms undergrounding project seeks public votes
Residents and businesses living close to the Cairngorms National Park in north east Scotland are being invited to a public information event by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to find out more about undergrounding power lines in the park.

Net-zero will need a regulation review, contractor warns
New thinking on energy regulation that better supports network investment will be required if the UK is going to meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to Burns and McDonnell, a US based engineering and construction business operating in the UK since 2017.

Wales and West signs up to Welsh ‘net-zero ready’ 2035 target
Wales and West Utilities, the gas distribution network operator for Wales, has become the first company to sign up to the Welsh government's Climate Change Pledge, committing itself to having a "net-zero ready" gas network by 2035.

Northern Powergrid calls on Ofgem to set out clear DSO ground rules
Northern Powergrid is urging Ofgem to provide more clarity on the underlying ground rules for network operators as they make the shift into new types of business operations as Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

EIC and Cadent seek bright ideas for dementia sufferers
The Energy Innovation Centre (EIC) is teaming up with gas network Cadent and the Alzheimer's Society to host a workshop around new innovations in the utilities sector to improve the quality of life and safety of people living with dementia in the UK.

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