
Consumer power key to heat pump roll-out, says HPA
The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has launched a new report, "Delivering net zero: A roadmap for the role of heat Pumps", outlining the heat pump industry's readiness to deliver decarbonisation of heat.

Labour’s nationalisation plan adds ‘Big Six’ to DNOs
Labour has extended its renationalisation agenda with plans to bring the supply arms of the Big Six energy companies into public ownership, a surprise move announced at its manifesto launch on 21 November that has prompted concern in the sector.

Critics fear Ofgem’s charging review will stifle renewables
Ofgem has held firm on its plan to reform the way the electricity networks recover the cost of providing pylons and cabling from consumers, a decision that it says will remove "harmful distortions" from the current charging framework.

“Winning means you have impressed your colleagues”
As the deadline for entering the Network Awards 2020 approaches, Network is asking the judging panel for their tips on writing an impactful entry that stands out from the crowd. John Parsons, director of digital at the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, hopes to find a sector clued up on cyber security and digitalisation.

Northern Powergrid goes Dutch in 100 MW auction
Distribution Network Operator (DNO) Northern Powergrid has announced plans for a flexibility auction - covering generation, storage and demand-side response - using an e-auction platform and a "dynamic purchasing" methodology.

Seven tower blocks replace gas with GSHP technology
Residents in seven tower blocks in Sunderland will become green heat pioneers at the conclusion of a new project to install low carbon ground source heat pumps in 364 homes in place of gas boilers.

Higher wind speeds to boost power output for 10 years
A new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change suggests that global wind speeds have increased substantially since 2010, after around three decades of decline.

UKPN unveils flexibility tender across 115 sites
UK Power Networks (UKPN) has launched what is believed to be the UK's largest ever tender for flexibility services and storage, highlighting 115 sites where renewables could boost network capacity and reduce costs for customers.

ENA launches election wish list for net-zero
As the general election campaign moves up a gear, energy network companies have called on political leaders to commit to taking bold action to achieve net-zero.

ABB to connect offshore wind with HVDC in UK first
ABB has been selected by energy companies SSE Renewables and Equinor to use its high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter systems to connect the world's largest offshore wind farms to the UK transmission network.

‘Low cost’ substation monitor passes DNO field trials
Western Power Distribution and 42 Technology, an innovation and product development consultancy, have announced the completion of six months of field trials for FuseOhm, a device that monitors performance parameters in electricity substations.

Northern Powergrid teams up with troops in flood-hit Doncaster
Northern Powergrid is supporting customers in the village of Fishlake, Doncaster, affected by last weekend's flooding, while also preparing for more heavy rain forecast across Lincolnshire and Yorkshire for the end of this week.

ETI calls for ‘smart’ charging and incentives on EV adoption
A new report by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) argues that "smart" charging is needed to support the widespread integration of electric cars and vans into the energy system to meet the UK's 2050 climate change targets.

Europe-wide survey scores GB low on electricity system flexibility
Great Britain ranks eighth out of nine northern European countries in attracting and facilitating investment in electricity system flexibility, says a new industry report published by the Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA).

Technology & Operations
First live trades on Cornwall’s local energy market platform
Centrica has announced a key milestone in its mission to build a cloud-enabled local energy market (LEM) for Cornwall, after both Western Power Distribution - in its role as a Distribution System Operator (DSO) - and the National Grid ESO procured flexibility through the online portal.

OPSS advises on new heat network notification rules
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), the government agency responsible for enforcing the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014, has announced changes to the official notification process for heat network operators.

ESC launches modelling tool for 2050 scenario planning
The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) has launched a new software modelling tool that can weigh up different scenarios on how national, regional and local energy networks in the UK can use storage and flexibility technologies to decarbonise at least cost.

Cadent to pipe bio-gas to HGV refuelling stations
An alternative fuel company has announced plans to offer HGV fleet operators biomethane gas - piped through the gas network - as an alternative to diesel that can achieve net zero emissions.

Humber plan for 2040 zero carbon cluster centres on Drax
Plans to develop a zero carbon "industrial cluster" in the Humber region based on a hydrogen production facility at Yorkshire's Drax plant plus carbon capture and storage (CCUS) under the North Sea have been outlined in a new report by the Zero Carbon Humber partnership.

ENW adds network capacity ahead of net-zero 2038 commitment
Electricity North West has announced the start of work to add capacity to the power network in south Manchester in support of the £7m South Manchester Enterprise Zone project.

EDF buys storage-to-charging challenger Pivot Power
EDF Group has announced a deal to acquire Pivot Power, the UK battery storage start-up with a programme to develop 40 sites of 50MW storage capacity, each combined with rapid charging services for the road transport network.

Hydrogen boilers, CCUS and biogas critical to net-zero heat, says ENA report
The government should mandate "hydrogen ready" boilers for new installations in domestic properties as part of a radical strategy to deliver a zero carbon heat network by 2050, concludes a major new report outlining a viable pathway for decarbonised heat in the UK.

£15m Cairngorms undergrounding project seeks public votes
Residents and businesses living close to the Cairngorms National Park in north east Scotland are being invited to a public information event by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to find out more about undergrounding power lines in the park.

Council scales up battery storage site to reap income rewards
A battery energy storage site operated by South Somerset District Council (SSDC) is set to expand to its maximum capacity by developing another 5MW to help produce and store more clean and renewable energy, providing support to the National Grid.

Grenfell report praises Cadent operation to seal gas mains
"Clarity of planning and careful execution" allowed Cadent gas engineers to cut off three gas mains near to Grenfell Tower at the height of the emergency, helping to bring the fire under control after gas sustained the fire in its later phases, the official inquiry has found.

Net-zero will need a regulation review, contractor warns
New thinking on energy regulation that better supports network investment will be required if the UK is going to meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to Burns and McDonnell, a US based engineering and construction business operating in the UK since 2017.

Wales and West signs up to Welsh ‘net-zero ready’ 2035 target
Wales and West Utilities, the gas distribution network operator for Wales, has become the first company to sign up to the Welsh government's Climate Change Pledge, committing itself to having a "net-zero ready" gas network by 2035.

Northern Powergrid calls on Ofgem to set out clear DSO ground rules
Northern Powergrid is urging Ofgem to provide more clarity on the underlying ground rules for network operators as they make the shift into new types of business operations as Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

EIC and Cadent seek bright ideas for dementia sufferers
The Energy Innovation Centre (EIC) is teaming up with gas network Cadent and the Alzheimer's Society to host a workshop around new innovations in the utilities sector to improve the quality of life and safety of people living with dementia in the UK.

Labour outlines fast track to zero carbon energy by 2030
The Labour Party has unveiled a report setting out an accelerated plan to fully eliminate carbon emissions from the UK's energy system by 2030, including goals of installing 8 million heat pumps and insulating 27 million homes.

‘Liquid air’ battery tech firm scales up to 50MW plant
Highview Power, the company promoting "liquid air" as a storage medium for surplus electrical energy, last week announced plans to construct the first commercial scale battery facility using the technology, at a decommissioned thermal power station in the north of England.