![‘Learning by doing’ on the road to net zero [test product]](
People & Skills
‘Learning by doing’ on the road to net zero [test product]
DSO director Andrew Roper discusses 'Learning by doing'

Utilities mobilise coronavirus vulnerability support
£800,000 of support has been offered to support those struggling as a result of the pandemic

ENA champions network key workers in new campaign
Trade body justifies continued presence of network staff in customer communities

Surge in popularity for ‘Power Up’ safety website as parents teach at home
UK Power Networks' free website designed to help children stay safe around electricity has seen its visitor numbers rise by more than 90%

CNG opens Europe’s largest renewable biomethane refuelling station
CNG opens Europe’s largest renewable biomethane refuelling station, one of two new facilities offering a low-carbon alternative to diesel for HGVs.
Northern Powergrid appeals for information after horse deaths
Northern Powergrid has made an appeal for information to help catch metal thieves after an attempted theft in Redmarshall, Stockton-on-Tees, left a powerline hanging dangerously low, leading to the deaths of four horses.

SP Energy Networks reveals fault level management breakthrough
Electricity distributor SP Energy Networks has unveiled groundbreaking new technology that can give an accurate real-time reading of the short circuit capacity, or fault level, on networks.

People & Skills
‘Learning by doing’ on the road to net zero
DSO director Andrew Roper discusses 'Learning by doing', a key principle that Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is applying to the net zero transition

Paying for net zero –
The UK's 2050 net zero emissions commitment has added urgency to calls for a review of the allocation of decarbonisation costs. Jane Gray reports on a recent Network debate event, hosted in association with National Grid.

Power now restored to customers affected by Storm Ciara
Engineers have worked through the night to restore power to 62,869 customers affected by Storm Ciara

BEIS spotlights heat networks with consultation and grants
The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) has welcomed two new government announcements supporting heat networks: a consultation in advance of dedicated legislation and the award of £40m to seven projects through the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP).

What can we learn from August 9th?
The summer of 2019 saw the disconnection of more than a million electricity customers in Britain's largest single electricity system disturbance in over ten years. Here, UKERC co-director, Professor Keith Bell, summarises the findings of the government and regulator investigations into the incident and unpacks potential lessons for the electricity sector and its readiness for further decarbonisation without compromising security of supply.

An honourable mention: James Yu interview
SP Energy Networks' Future Networks Manager, Professor James Yu, received an MBE in the New Year's Honours List. Here Network catches up with him to discuss challenges, past, present and future.

Green, amber and red lights for EV installers in north east
Northern Powergrid has launched an online tool, underpinned by network data, that will enable local authorities, electric vehicle (EV) installers and businesses planners to identify the best new EV charging point connection locations.

Decarbonisation Action Plan targets greenwashed energy tariffs
The energy regulator Ofgem has published its Decarbonisation Action Plan, which has seen support for its targeting of greenwashed energy tariffs.

New apprentices for UK Power Networks as levy criticism mounts
In National Apprenticeship Week, UK Power Networks has announced that it is recruiting 16 new apprentices to join the company in September.

RIIO-2 business plans fail on net-zero, says Ofgem panel
Ofgem's RIIO-2 Challenge Group has criticised most of the energy companies that submitted their business plans in December for lacking strategic vision on reaching net-zero, although National Grid ESO was given an honourable mention.

ENA to publish DSO implementation plan summer 2020
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has launched an eight week consultation on the draft 2020 Work Plan for the Open Networks Project, the cross-sector collaboration that is laying the groundwork for the network operators' transition to become Distribution System Operators (DSO).

Kaluza and WPD deliver first domestic battery flex service
Intelligent energy platform Kaluza has delivered the first service to offer flexibility to a distribution network operator (DNO) from a portfolio of domestic properties, in a contract with Western Power Distribution (WPD) in Lincolnshire.

SSEN turns to Just Eat for power cut customers
Households in the southern England licence area operated by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) will be able to order meals on the Just Eat app and website if they experience a blackout, after the network operator signed up to a new partnership.

UK software firm SGS expands services in US
UK software provider Smarter Grid Solutions (SGS) is launching a customer portal for utility companies in the US after successfully implementing the system for Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) and UK Power Networks.

Electricity North West signs £400m maintenance deal
Electricity North West has awarded contracts for an eight year, £400m deal to maintain and upgrade its underground power network to Network Plus Services and O'Connor Utilities.

Energy trading and asset management in a ‘flex’ market
Dominic Fava, head of marketing and propositions at Origami, a provider of energy trading platforms, looks at the difficulties of trading energy in a more flexible - and therefore volatile - electricity market, and how a new generation of smart IT systems will be needed to support energy companies.

Squeezing efficiency from energy-from-waste
A high-efficiency waste gasification demonstrator project funded by the Energy Technologies Institute is producing electricity for the grid, but its sponsoring organisation was wound up at the end of December. Before closing day, ETI project manager Paul Winstanley told Elaine Knutt about what the ETI/Kew Technology Sustainable Energy Centre has achieved, and possible future milestones.

WPD launches largest ever flex auction for 334MW
Western Power Distribution (WPD) is to procure 334MW of flexibility across its network through channels including the Piclo platform, the Cornwall Local Energy Market and WPD's own Flexible Power brand.

First live hydrogen trials on campus ‘living lab’
Keele University campus has become the site of the UK's first live trial to inject hydrogen into a gas network, in the first of a series of demonstrations by the HyDeploy consortium.

Power companies pay £10.5m for 9 August black out
Ofgem's investigation into the 9 August power outages has led to £4.5m pay outs by the owners of two generators - Hornsea One and Little Barford - that lost connection to the grid, as well as £1.5m from UK Power Networks for reconnecting customers too soon.

Ofgem sets ‘tough but fair’ ground rules for RIIO-ED2
Ofgem has laid out the underlying framework for the RIIO-ED2 price control period for electricity, ahead of further consultation from the regulator next year to define the specific methodologies.

A new way to model Value of Lost Load
Tracey Kennelly of distribution network operator (DNO) Electricity North West, and Anuj Nayyar of energy specialist Frazer-Nash Consultancy, on their project to accurately assess the "value of lost load", and how all DNOs could benefit from the new modelling tool that will follow.

WPD sets out digital strategy for zero carbon
Western Power Distribution (WPD) has published a new digitalisation commitment describing how it will make innovative use of new technologies and an "open data" policy to deliver lower carbon energy solutions for customers.

Innovation for networks: beyond the buzzwords
As the electricity networks gear up for the next price control period, and the water networks get to grips with new deliverables under Asset Management Plan 7 (AMP7), companies in both sectors face considerable challenges.

How E.ON. is helping the City of London become a zero emissions city
Discover Citigen. Deep in the heart of our bustling capital

Network explains heat networks
Commonplace in Europe and gaining in popularity here

How E.ON. is helping the City of London become a zero emissions city
Discover Citigen. Deep in the heart of our bustling capital, E.ON. has created a hidden power station that can heat, cool and power the businesses of the future.