
Time for less talk and more action on decarbonisation
Core "oven-ready" solutions to decarbonising heat and transport exist today and should be implemented without delay, says WPD's future power networks expert.

Cadent backs launch of major bio-CNG HGV refuelling station
Gas network’s £250,000 infrastructure investment ensures supplies to existing connected customers have not been impacted

Gas must go green now
Former Cadent CEO champions a zero carbon vision for gas

Fresh pressure to regulate heat decarbonisation
New policy paper calls for a heating emissions standard

New vision for zero carbon gas grid
Ex-Cadent CEO to lead new ENA initiative

Smarter Grid Solutions launches new energy resources management system
Smarter Grid Solutions launches new energy resources management system to help accelerate the net zero transition

North West poised to deliver £7bn investment into low carbon skills
The North West Energy & Hydrogen Cluster is to set out a roadmap for low carbon skills in the region.

Heat energy “greatest decarbonisation challenge”
A new paper identifies that heat energy, which now accounts for over a third of the UK's carbon emissions, is the greatest decarbonisation challenge the UK faces to reach net zero.

Technology & Operations
Get infrastructure right or risk failure of 5G rollout
Speaking at the Future Networks conference in Birmingham, Burns & McDonnell MD, Jonathan Chapman, issued the warning in the wake of the UK government's decision to move forward with building the country's 5G network.

The devolution dilemma – pros and cons for the net zero agenda
Almost a year after the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) issued its recommendation that the UK should up its decarbonisation game and embrace a 2050 net zero emissions target, the battle to mitigate climate crisis continues to dominate in political, industrial and public dialogue, writes Jane Gray following this week's Future Networks conference.

Paying for net zero –
The UK's 2050 net zero emissions commitment has added urgency to calls for a review of the allocation of decarbonisation costs. Jane Gray reports on a recent Network debate event, hosted in association with National Grid.

An honourable mention: James Yu interview
SP Energy Networks' Future Networks Manager, Professor James Yu, received an MBE in the New Year's Honours List. Here Network catches up with him to discuss challenges, past, present and future.

Strategy & Management
UKRI funds £20m academic centre for industrial net-zero
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), which is running the £170 Industrial Strategy Challenge fund to promote strategies to reduce emissions in industrial clusters, is funding Edinburgh's Heriot-Watt University to develop plans for a new academic centre geared to industrial decarbonisation.

ESC launches modelling tool for 2050 scenario planning
The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) has launched a new software modelling tool that can weigh up different scenarios on how national, regional and local energy networks in the UK can use storage and flexibility technologies to decarbonise at least cost.

SP Energy Networks launches 95MW auction on Piclo Flex platform
Scottish Power Energy Networks has become the fourth distribution network operator (DNO) to enter into a partnership with the Piclo Flex online auction platform to support its move towards flexible energy trading.

Decarbonisation progress slowing, Ofgem report shows
Ofgem has launched its annual State of the Market report, which shows that the UK continues to be a global leader in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, although progress is slowing.

Renewable gas injected into Ireland’s network
Gas Networks Ireland has confirmed that locally produced renewable gas has been successfully injected into Ireland's gas network for the first time.

Hydrogen’s role in the future UK energy system
The Energy Research Partnership (ERP) recently brought together a range of stakeholders from across the energy sector to review the role of hydrogen to help decarbonise the UK energy sector. Their findings will be reported in July and the group has concluded that hydrogen, working together with the low carbon advances made in the electricity sector, has a potential role to play in meeting the needs of a future low or zero-carbon energy system in the UK.

£1.4bn spending plan unveiled by SP Energy Networks for RIIO2
SP Energy Networks has set out plans to spend £1.4 billion on its transmission network between 2021 and 2026.

Taskforce sets out recommendations to modernise energy system
Digitalisation sits at the heart of five key recommendations set out by the Energy Data Taskforce that it says will modernise the UK energy system.

The growth of green gas
Matt Hindle, head of gas at the Energy Networks Association (ENA), discusses the gas networks role in delivering net zero emissions by 2050.

Innovation delivered
The pace of change across the UK's gas, power and heat networks continues to advance. At the heart of this change lies collaboration and innovation. With this in mind editor Alec Peachey spoke to UK Power Networks head of innovation Ian Cameron about the work the network operator is doing.

Meeting net zero target requires urgent electricity system overhaul
The operation of the electricity system must be urgently overhauled if the UK is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, without burdening consumers with unnecessary costs, an industry figure has warned.

ENA report highlights gas networks priorities
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has released a new report that highlights industry priorities for gas network companies with decarbonisation identified as key.

Decarbonisation driving change at ENW
Electricity North West is putting decarbonisation at the heart of its plans. Alec Peachey spoke to chief executive Peter Emery about a number of subjects including the company's drive to reduce carbon emissions, regulation, infrastructure - and how they're performing against the backdrop of a strategic review that could lead to a sale of the business.

Arup report highlights potential of hydrogen
A new report from Arup finds that hydrogen has a potentially significant role to play in decarbonising the whole energy system in the UK.

ENW confirms customer engagement group appointments
Eight industry experts have been appointed to Electricity North West's newly-formed customer engagement group.

ENA welcomes select committee’s CCUS report
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has welcomed the findings of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee report on carbon, capture, usage and storage (CCUS) - including plans to prioritise the production of low-carbon hydrogen.

Keeping our options open
Casey Cole, managing director of Guru Systems, discusses the need for the heat network sector to unpick the relationship between systems and service providers to create more competition.

Electricity North West launches decarbonisation plan
Electricity North West has launched its transformative plan for decarbonising the region.

ENA launches new gas grid decarbonisation project
The Energy Networks Association has launched a new pan-industry project designed to decarbonise Britain's gas grid.