Technology & Operations

Accelerated deployment could exacerbate design issues, warns heat industry


Accelerated deployment could exacerbate design issues, warns heat industry

Parts of the heat network supply chain are not ready for the accelerated deployment that is likely to be driven by the £320 million funding awarded through the Heat Networks Investment Project, industry has warned.

£39m pilot launches heat networks investment project


£39m pilot launches heat networks investment project

The first stage of the £320 million Heat Networks Investment project announced by the government last year has been launched with a £39 million pilot scheme.

National Grid to upgrade substation control system

Technology & Operations

National Grid to upgrade substation control system

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) is set to upgrade 10% of its substations in England and Wales with the Locamation SAS2000 centralised substation control system.

Murphy starts substation build for new CHP plant


Murphy starts substation build for new CHP plant

J Murphy & Sons has completed the first phase of utility installations for a new biomass CHP power plant in Northumberland and will now begin construction of the plant substation.

AIM high


AIM high

Planning and modelling software is developing rapidly, says EA Technology’s Paul Barnfather.

Next generation automation


Next generation automation

Automation of power distribution is about to take a leap forward, says Schneider Electric’s John Langley-Davis.

EIC launches innovation “lab” programme

Technology & Operations

EIC launches innovation “lab” programme

The Energy Innovation Centre has announced it will deliver a new series of workshops for gas and power network operators to help them improve innovation culture, process and strategy.

ABB brings “plug and play” microgrid solution to market


ABB brings “plug and play” microgrid solution to market

Global technology company ABB has launched a new modular offering to support the easy operation of microgrids.

Top performance


Top performance

Operational leaders discuss how to optimise network assets in the changing energy landscape

Northern Powergrid increases online access with audio service


Northern Powergrid increases online access with audio service

Distribution network operator Northern Powergrid has made accessing its website easier for customers by including the new Browsealoud service, which offers guided audio narration.

ABB and Fluor join forces for energy revolution


ABB and Fluor join forces for energy revolution

ABB and global engineering firm Fluor have announced a partnership which will enhance their ability to deliver smart substation projects globally.

Trending; robotics, modelling and analytics and decentralised energy


Trending; robotics, modelling and analytics and decentralised energy

Technological advances are changing the face of energy networks and allowing them to respond in new ways to existing and unprecedented challenges. In this technology round-up, Network examines three trends making a big impact on network operations today.

Big Bang; bringing safety to gas


Big Bang; bringing safety to gas

At DNV GL’s Spadeadam site, gas engineers can feel the full force of the kind of gas disaster they hope they’ll never face.

Moixa launches solar storage scheme


Moixa launches solar storage scheme

Home battery storage company Moixa has launched a solar storage offer to protect households from rising prices.

Moixa launches solar storage scheme


Moixa launches solar storage scheme

Home battery storage company Moixa has launched a solar storage offer to protect households from rising prices.

Labour conference: Domestic DSR gains will be ‘limited’


Labour conference: Domestic DSR gains will be ‘limited’

The potential gains from domestic demand side response (DSR) are “limited”, an energy expert told delegates at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

Editor’s weekly: Asset performance is an innovation priority

Technology & Operations

Editor’s weekly: Asset performance is an innovation priority

On 21 September Network hosted it's first conference which showed why asset management and performance strategies need to be at the core of energy system innovation.

Energy storage and smart cities


Energy storage and smart cities

The urban centres of tomorrow will be microgrids which will require the support of energy storage technology say Dr Alex Mardipittas.

UK sees first Tesla grid-scale storage installation in Europe


UK sees first Tesla grid-scale storage installation in Europe

The first Tesla grid-scale Powerpack installation in Europe is to be installed at a solar PV site in Somerset by large-scale storage developer Camborne Energy Storage.

Grid-injected biomethane industry receives boost


Grid-injected biomethane industry receives boost

The nascent biomthane industry has received a boost by being recognised as a valid method for a business to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Northern Powergrid restores power to 28,000 following lightening


Northern Powergrid restores power to 28,000 following lightening

Northern Powergrid has restored power to 28,000 of the 38,000 customers who lost power this morning across its network due to lightning storms.

Fluid movement: new transformer fluids are shifting asset risk profiles


Fluid movement: new transformer fluids are shifting asset risk profiles

It’s time to change conventional thinking about transformer fluids and realise opportunities to mitigate asset risk, argues a new white paper.

UKPN enables electric bus rollout


UKPN enables electric bus rollout

UK Power Networks (UKPN) has enabled the rollout of 51 single decker electric buses in central London.

SME crowdsourcing is driving innovation says EIC


SME crowdsourcing is driving innovation says EIC

The Energy Innovation centre’s (EIC) “call for evidence” is successfully driving the formation of innovation partnerships between energy networks operators and SME organisations.

Editor’s weekly: Who you gonna call?


Editor’s weekly: Who you gonna call?

The launch of 105 was a welcome event and the number will be a comfort to networks and customers alike as winter approaches. However, some challenges remain for the new service.

RedT to develop first vanadium hybrid storage system


RedT to develop first vanadium hybrid storage system

Energy storage technology company RedT is to develop a hybrid energy storage system capable of offering the full range of storage applications to the electricity grid.

New kid on the block: an interview with Peter Emery


New kid on the block: an interview with Peter Emery

Peter Emery, chief executive of Electricity North West, talks to Network about industry innovation structures and DNO reward.

National 105 power cut number launched


National 105 power cut number launched

Electricity network distributors have joined forces to launch a new three-digit national number to make it easier for customers to contact their local distributor and report power cuts and damage to power assets.

UKPN investigates DNO obligations for domestic storage


UKPN investigates DNO obligations for domestic storage

Electricity network operator UK Power Networks (UKPN) is to investigate what will be required of DNOs to enable the safe installation of domestic energy storage systems.

Second-life storage market will explode post-2020


Second-life storage market will explode post-2020

The volume of lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles (EV) available for second-life storage systems will explode from 2020, as the EV market starts to mature.

Fit for digital


Fit for digital

Transmission substations are going through a radical evolution as digital technologies take hold, says ABB’s Danny Lyonnette.