decarbonisation of heat

Electric storage heating – a Cinderella solution
Why has electric storage heating been overlooked as we seek to tackle decarbonising domestic heat?

Prospects bright for landmark East London Heat Network
New Vattenfall-Cory partnership marks step towards record-breaking heat network capable of serving over 10,000 homes

Time for less talk and more action on decarbonisation
Core "oven-ready" solutions to decarbonising heat and transport exist today and should be implemented without delay, says WPD's future power networks expert.

Gas must go green now
Former Cadent CEO champions a zero carbon vision for gas

Fresh pressure to regulate heat decarbonisation
New policy paper calls for a heating emissions standard

First apprentice appointed on North London Heat & Power Project
North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has announced the appointment of the first apprentice for the North London Heat & Power Project (NLHPP), a major investment project to modernise Edmonton EcoPark.

UKPN launches ‘industry first’ heat readiness strategy
UK Power Networks has outlined a strategy to help reduce the carbon impact of heating.

Heat energy “greatest decarbonisation challenge”
A new paper identifies that heat energy, which now accounts for over a third of the UK's carbon emissions, is the greatest decarbonisation challenge the UK faces to reach net zero.

Electrifying the low carbon heat debate
The Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) begins 2020 with a new look and a new confidence that - with heat pumps emerging as a favoured option in the government's Future Homes consultation - the sector is about to come into its own.

Debating the steep path to net-zero 2050
Meeting the challenge of 2050 is already top of the sector's agenda, and is likely to be in clear focus for the new government too. In February, at the Future Networks and Future of Heat conferences, the sector will have the chance to debate its response and the path ahead.

Consumers back hydrogen for heating but fear cost hikes
The majority of the UK public would support hydrogen blending as a stop-gap to decarbonise domestic heating supply, but a potential increase in energy bills is a significant concern, the latest research from Newcastle University has revealed.

Consumer power key to heat pump roll-out, says HPA
The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has launched a new report, "Delivering net zero: A roadmap for the role of heat Pumps", outlining the heat pump industry's readiness to deliver decarbonisation of heat.

UK needs ‘Olympic’ delivery body to drive shift to net zero heating, says think tank
MPs and members of the public are equally in the dark over the urgency of decarbonising the heat network, raising the need to establish a powerful new body to coordinate the complex task, according to a report by cross-party think tank Policy Connect.

“We need to retrain boiler engineers in low carbon heat skills”
With heat decarbonisation rising up the agenda, the UK needs a new programme to re-skill gas boiler engineers and plumbers in decarbonised heat technology, says Network Awards 2020 judge Lily Frencham of the Association for Decentralised Energy.

Renewable gas injected into Ireland’s network
Gas Networks Ireland has confirmed that locally produced renewable gas has been successfully injected into Ireland's gas network for the first time.

Work on £20m heat network gets underway
Construction work is underway on Manchester's £20 million Civic Quarter Heat Network (CQHN).

National Grid ESO outlines future energy scenarios
National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) has published its Future Energy Scenarios report which provides analysis of five potential 'energy futures' for 2050, including a net zero analysis.

Hydrogen testing facility opened
A testing facility which will be used to discover if hydrogen could be used to power millions of homes across the country has opened in Derbyshire.

HyNet project on track to be operational by 2024
Cadent's HyNet project is on course to be operational by 2024 after being awarded over £800,000 in support from UK Government and project partners.

Technology & Operations
Study shows viability of hydrogen in Humber region
An independent study to enhance the evidence base for hydrogen technology has paved the way for its feasibility as a future clean energy source in the Humber region.