
Flex uptake needs tougher targets, warns Energy UK


Flex uptake needs tougher targets, warns Energy UK

Progress on unleashing the potential of network flexibility has been "slow and patchy" and the UK risks failing to make the most of the opportunity, warns a new report published this week by Energy UK.

Ofgem to review WPD’s record on vulnerable customers

Policy & Regulation

Ofgem to review WPD’s record on vulnerable customers

Ofgem has announced that it is launching an investigation into whether Western Power Distribution (WPD) has acted in compliance with rules around updating its Priority Services Register.

Ofgem scopes out fast-forward systems operation review


Ofgem scopes out fast-forward systems operation review

Ofgem has revealed more details about its review of system operations on both the gas and electricity networks, less than one year since the last major shake-up in the electricity grid.

Ofgem scopes out fast-forward systems operation review


Ofgem scopes out fast-forward systems operation review

Ofgem has revealed more details about its review of system operations on both the gas and electricity networks, less than one year since the last major shake-up in the electricity grid.

Ofgem approves UKPN to access smart meter data


Ofgem approves UKPN to access smart meter data

UK Power Networks has become the second Distribution Network Operator to secure Ofgem approval to access smart meter data for households and small businesses in its patch, after the regulator approved its data security plan.

Ofgem approves UKPN to access smart meter data

Policy & Regulation

Ofgem approves UKPN to access smart meter data

UK Power Networks has become the second Distribution Network Operator to secure Ofgem approval to access smart meter data for households and small businesses in its patch, after the regulator approved its data security plan.

New energy management models needed after Ofgem review


New energy management models needed after Ofgem review

Significant changes to network charging methodology announced by Ofgem are likely to have a major impact on industrial and commercial (I&C) energy bills from April 2021, writes Charlie Ward of New Stream Renewables.

Decarbonisation Action Plan targets greenwashed energy tariffs


Decarbonisation Action Plan targets greenwashed energy tariffs

The energy regulator Ofgem has published its Decarbonisation Action Plan, which has seen support for its targeting of greenwashed energy tariffs.

Ofgem launches low carbon Action Plan in nine steps


Ofgem launches low carbon Action Plan in nine steps

New Ofgem chief executive Jonathan Brearley used his first day in post to publish the regulator's Decarbonisation Action Plan, setting out nine steps the regulator plans to make in the next 18 months to meet the 2050 net-zero challenge.

Ofgem’s RIIO-1 electricity framework too lax, says NAO


Ofgem’s RIIO-1 electricity framework too lax, says NAO

Consumers paid too much for their electricity during the RIIO-1 price control period after Ofgem set performance targets for the network companies too low and allowed them over-generous cost budgets, according to the National Audit Office (NAO).

Ofgem to review 600 MW Shetland HVDC link plan


Ofgem to review 600 MW Shetland HVDC link plan

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Transmission (SSEN Transmission) has resubmitted its investment case for a new transmission link for Shetland to energy regulator Ofgem, in a similar proposal to the submission that was put on ice last October.

RIIO-2 business plans fail on net-zero, says Ofgem panel


RIIO-2 business plans fail on net-zero, says Ofgem panel

Ofgem's RIIO-2 Challenge Group has criticised most of the energy companies that submitted their business plans in December for lacking strategic vision on reaching net-zero, although National Grid ESO was given an honourable mention.

UKPN line removal rejuvenates Norfolk marsh


UKPN line removal rejuvenates Norfolk marsh

UK Power Networks has removed twin tracks of overhead power lines and 24 poles that have been standing in marshland in the Norfolk Broads area since 1966, in a project it says has been a "spectacular success".

Power companies pay £10.5m for 9 August black out


Power companies pay £10.5m for 9 August black out

Ofgem's investigation into the 9 August power outages has led to £4.5m pay outs by the owners of two generators - Hornsea One and Little Barford - that lost connection to the grid, as well as £1.5m from UK Power Networks for reconnecting customers too soon.

Ofgem sets ‘tough but fair’ ground rules for RIIO-ED2


Ofgem sets ‘tough but fair’ ground rules for RIIO-ED2

Ofgem has laid out the underlying framework for the RIIO-ED2 price control period for electricity, ahead of further consultation from the regulator next year to define the specific methodologies.

SSEN projects £2.4bn investment in RIIO-T2 plan


SSEN projects £2.4bn investment in RIIO-T2 plan

SSEN Transmission, responsible for the north of Scotland electricity transmission system, has submitted its RIIO-T2 business plan to energy regulator Ofgem, with a plan to invest £2.4bn.

Ofgem seeks views on ‘key enabler’ in DSO transition


Ofgem seeks views on ‘key enabler’ in DSO transition

Ofgem has launched a consultation on what it says will be a "key enabler" in networks' ongoing evolution into distribution system operators: the format and content of electricity networks' long term development statements (LTDS).

Ofgem backs H21 hydrogen project with £6.8m grant


Ofgem backs H21 hydrogen project with £6.8m grant

H21, the programme from the UK gas industry to work towards converting the network to carry 100% hydrogen, has been awarded £6.8m in Ofgem innovation funding to support a second phase of research and development.

SSEN identifies seven steps to net-zero in DSO transition report

Policy & Regulation

SSEN identifies seven steps to net-zero in DSO transition report

Seven key policies, including changes to the Ofgem regulatory regime to facilitate "anticipatory investment", would ensure that UK electricity network infrastructure is prepared for net-zero, a report by distribution network operator SSEN has argued.

Critics fear Ofgem’s charging review will stifle renewables


Critics fear Ofgem’s charging review will stifle renewables

Ofgem has held firm on its plan to reform the way the electricity networks recover the cost of providing pylons and cabling from consumers, a decision that it says will remove "harmful distortions" from the current charging framework.

£15m Cairngorms undergrounding project seeks public votes


£15m Cairngorms undergrounding project seeks public votes

Residents and businesses living close to the Cairngorms National Park in north east Scotland are being invited to a public information event by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to find out more about undergrounding power lines in the park.

Net-zero will need a regulation review, contractor warns


Net-zero will need a regulation review, contractor warns

New thinking on energy regulation that better supports network investment will be required if the UK is going to meet its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to Burns and McDonnell, a US based engineering and construction business operating in the UK since 2017.

Northern Powergrid calls on Ofgem to set out clear DSO ground rules


Northern Powergrid calls on Ofgem to set out clear DSO ground rules

Northern Powergrid is urging Ofgem to provide more clarity on the underlying ground rules for network operators as they make the shift into new types of business operations as Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

DNOs avoid penalties in Ofgem’s 2018/19 ICE connection review


DNOs avoid penalties in Ofgem’s 2018/19 ICE connection review

Ofgem has given Distribution Network Operators a pass mark for their record on dealing with large-scale customer connections, with a decision not to levy penalties for 2018/19 under its Incentive on Connections Engagement (ICE) mechanism.

Decarbonisation progress slowing, Ofgem report shows


Decarbonisation progress slowing, Ofgem report shows

Ofgem has launched its annual State of the Market report, which shows that the UK continues to be a global leader in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, although progress is slowing.


Technology & Operations



Energy networks elaborate on transformation plans

Technology & Operations

Energy networks elaborate on transformation plans

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has published its response to an open letter from the government and Ofgem, which praised its efforts to transform the energy system through the Open Networks project but called for more "tangible changes".

Ofgem appoints Brearley as new chief executive

Technology & Operations

Ofgem appoints Brearley as new chief executive

Jonathan Brearley has been appointed as the new chief executive of Ofgem.

WPD maintains place at top of stakeholder engagement table


WPD maintains place at top of stakeholder engagement table

Western Power Distribution (WPD) has strengthened its place at the top of the industry table for stakeholder engagement and customer vulnerability in the annual Ofgem incentive.

Ideas sought for £90m annual innovation competition


Ideas sought for £90m annual innovation competition

Up to £90 million of funding will be up for grabs in the upcoming Network Innovation Competition, with the Energy Networks Association (ENA) issuing a call for ideas.

Green light for Orkney transmission link


Green light for Orkney transmission link

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) plans for a new 220MW transmission link between the Orkney Islands and the mainland have been approved by Ofgem.