
Coronavirus gives grids a taste of the future
A drop in overall energy demand, accompanied by low system inertia during coronavirus lockdown could offer a glimpse of future energy system conditions, says Chris Kimmett, director of power grids at Reactive Technologies.

Innovation, technology & operations
Building a net-zero network for north Scotland
As owner of the electricity transmission network in the north of Scotland, SSEN Transmission has a critical role to play in the transition to net zero - by building the transmission infrastructure required to connect renewable electricity generation, and transporting that clean electricity to areas of demand, writes Bless Kuri, head of transmission system planning and investment.

2020 vision: Siemens’ outlook on the next 12 months
Will 2020 be a turning point on the road to net-zero? Energy systems specialist Siemens, headed by GB chief executive Carl Ennis, looks ahead to advances in generation, off-grid networks, electric vehicle uptake and corporate transparency.

More excavation searches benefit asset owners
Richard Broome, managing director at LSBUD (Linesearch BeforeUdig), an online asset search facility, discusses its recent report, "Digging Up Britain 2019" and its findings on safe excavation work in the utilities industry.

Only joined-up policy will pave the way to net-zero
The Johnson government, and now the party manifestos, have provided plenty of promising ideas on decarbonisation, but delays on implementation and lack of cohesion between different agendas mean that good ideas are getting lost, argues James Basden, founded and director at battery storage company Zenobe Energy.

Opening the doors to diverse talent
The demand for power is rising, amidst ongoing skills shortages in transmission and distribution. We need to shout about our successes to attract more women, career changers and apprentices, says Laura Hatfield, recruitment consultant at Samuel Knight International.

Local authorities are advancing the pace on net-zero
Many local authorities want to over-achieve on the government's 2050 ambitions, but how can network operators work in partnership with them to achieve an early net-zero? Womble Bond Dickinson's Charles Robson, partner, and Andrew Hirst, managing associate, set out some ideas.

Innovation, technology & operations
Is flexibility expertise tomorrow’s export opportunity?
Flexibility is a goal in its own right, but for DNOs and energy companies in the UK, there is also a potential opportunity to export their expertise on flexible systems overseas, in particular to North America, says Hari Subramaniam at Canadian software provider Opus One Solutions

Innovation, technology & operations
Time to get motoring on EV infrastructure
SSEN's managing director Colin Nicol discusses the importance of a £7.5 million EV partnership between the Scottish Government, Transport Scotland, SSEN and SP Energy Networks.

Innovation, technology & operations
How Cadent is building a low-carbon future for the UK
Ed Syson, chief safety and strategy officer at Cadent, gives his reaction to the Committee on Climate Change's (CCC) recommendations to move beyond an 80 per cent target and deliver net zero emissions by 2050.

HSE’s ‘Future of Gas’ energy conference
Dr Stuart Hawksworth, head of HSE's Centre for Energy Innovation, looks ahead to the organisation's inaugural 'Safety Excellence in Energy: The Future of Gas' conference.

Policy & Regulation
Is governance fit for purpose?
What is the benefit of enabling frameworks, asks Duncan Botting of Global Smart Transformation

Innovation, technology & operations
Unlocking the energy transition
Electricity storage can be transformational for the UK's homes and businesses, but there is work to do to unlock its potential, writes Simon Innis.

Policy & Regulation
Maxine Frerk: Letter from America
Maxine Frerk on this summer's Grid Edge World Forum

Policy & Regulation
Health and safety – how we’re getting better
WPD operations director Phil Swift on Powering Improvement

Heat loss headaches
Defining heat losses as percentages misses the point of network optimisation. Casey Cole explains why.

Preparing the Power System for 2030
The Future Power System Architecture project is working to understand how the system should move forward to meet these changes in demand by 2030. Eric Brown provides a brief overview of the next stages of the programme.

Policy & Regulation
No end to boom and bust
The RIIO price control framework has not ended the cyclic nature of boom and bust investment in the networks, says John Parsons.

People & Skills
Using the apprenticeship levy to build confidence in Utilities
The apprenticeship levy is set to change the face of the UK's workforce when it takes effect this year, but how will it affect the Utilities sector?

Innovation, technology & operations
Delivering demand response
Battery storage is the perfect technology to enable widespread use of demand response and a stable power grid argues Simon Daniel.

Policy & Regulation
Call for evidence: Live
Merlin Hyman sets out the key issues up for debate at a live session contributing to Ofgem and BEIS's call for evidence on smart and flexible energy systems.

Strategy & Management
Managing customer expectations
Freddie Tilbrook explains why networks must deliver greater clarity for customers on the rules of engagement for new grid connections.

Innovation, technology & operations
Innovating for skills
A novel approach to developing and accrediting apprenticeship standards for utilities has made innovation in workforce renewal a business as usual activity argues Nick Ellins.

Innovation, technology & operations
Enhanced Frequency Response – investing in the future of energy
Now the contracts for National Grid's new enhanced frequency response service have been handed out, the hard graft of delivering the projects can begin.

People and skills
Smart metering skills concerns
Stakeholders in the smart meter roll out need confidence that installers are trained to commonly recognised standards.A new accreditation process will answer this need, says Nicki Hussain.

Heat networks: the post-Brexit energy solution?
“Energy security” and “independence” are already becoming buzzwords in the post-Brexit era, says Gareth Jones as he explores the future of the UK energy market and the role heat networks might play.

Policy & Regulation
Certain uncertainties
It's not lack of subsidies for renewables that will cause the UK to miss its climate change targets, says John Parsons.

Innovation, technology & operations
The future of innovation funding
As uncertainty hangs over the future of network innovation pots, Denise Massey calls for a change in industry culture to ensure progress is maintained.

People and skills
Collaboration on skills gaps brings benefits for all

Strategy & Management
Reducing dependence on the national grid is a must
Peter Rolton says our national grid is no longer fit for purpose and makes the case for localised energy systems.

Innovation, technology & operations
Industry must break step to cross the bridge
The challenge of energy system transformation will require market participant to adopt new gaits says John Parsons.