Innovation, technology & operations

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National Grid is pressing ahead with phase two of its London Power Tunnels project, by awarding a six-year, £400m contract to construct new tunnels and shaft work in south London.

Council's 'pioneer' subsidy free solar farm goes live

Renewable energy company Gridserve has completed and handed over a subsidy free 34.7 MW solar farm in York to Warrington Borough Council, a project that it says is the UK's most advanced solar farm to date.

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Lithium-ion batteries in spotlight over cobalt claim

A lawsuit brought by the families of 14 child miners killed or injured in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo has put the spotlight on the sustainability and ethics of mining cobalt, a mineral widely used in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries.

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Pumping up affordable low carbon power

Graham Wright, chairman of the Heat Pump Association, on the important role heat pumps could play in the low carbon heat mix, and the need to increase the rate of installations to meet net-zero.

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Why hydrogen-based fuels will be a net-zero essential

Matti Rautkivi, director of strategy and business development at Wärtsilä Energy Business, explains why the Finnish company is backing several innovators in the field of hydrogen-based fuels - and why the UK government should do so as well.

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Bristol's bold leap of faith

Like many local authorities, Bristol City Council isn't waiting for government to lead in the net-zero challenge; it's identified £1bn of decarbonisation projects and is seeking a private sector "strategic partner" to make them happen. Councillor Kye...

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WPD sets out digital strategy for zero carbon

Western Power Distribution (WPD) has published a new digitalisation commitment describing how it will make innovative use of new technologies and an "open data" policy to deliver lower carbon energy solutions for customers.

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Innovation for networks: beyond the buzzwords

As the electricity networks gear up for the next price control period, and the water networks get to grips with new deliverables under Asset Management Plan 7 (AMP7), companies in both sectors face considerable challenges.