Policy & regulation

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The Queen's Speech from the new Conservative government this week reaffirmed its commitment to achieving net-zero and investing in renewable energy, but contained little in the way of detail, promising instead that the first budget will prioritise a range of net-zero enablers.

Ofgem sets 'tough but fair' ground rules for RIIO-ED2

Ofgem has laid out the underlying framework for the RIIO-ED2 price control period for electricity, ahead of further consultation from the regulator next year to define the specific methodologies.

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Take in a lodger to save the planet, research says

New research by a team from the University of St Andrews argues that energy policy must factor in increases in domestic square meterage per person in order to achieve climate change targets.

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Pumping up affordable low carbon power

Graham Wright, chairman of the Heat Pump Association, on the important role heat pumps could play in the low carbon heat mix, and the need to increase the rate of installations to meet net-zero.

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New Johnson mandate to shape post-Brexit trade and net-zero

The Conservatives' decisive victory in the General Election sets the country on the path to Brexit and EU trade deal negotiations, including talks on the future trading arrangements for the gas and electricity flowing through interconnectors to Belgium,...

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Time to regulate heat networks

New regulations planned for heat networks will protect consumers and reduce risks for developers, explains Charlotte Owen, policy officer at the Association for Decentralised Energy - in part of our Utility of the Future series.

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National Grid ESO pledges £2bn savings under RIIO-T2

The National Grid ESO is anticipating the creation of savings and benefits worth £2bn in the RIIO-T2 price control period, according to the finalised business plan it submitted to Ofgem this week.

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SSEN projects £2.4bn investment in RIIO-T2 plan

SSEN Transmission, responsible for the north of Scotland electricity transmission system, has submitted its RIIO-T2 business plan to energy regulator Ofgem, with a plan to invest £2.4bn.