
WPD sets out digital strategy for zero carbon
Western Power Distribution (WPD) has published a new digitalisation commitment describing how it will make innovative use of new technologies and an "open data" policy to deliver lower carbon energy solutions for customers.

Technology & Operations
Costain webinar highlights five ways to crack innovation
Optimising assets, reducing risk and maximising return on investment - the "to do list" of major companies in the energy and water sectors becomes ever longer.

Technology & Operations
Ofgem hits start on £1.9m energy data access project
Ofgem and Innovate UK are offering digital innovators £1.9m in funding to develop a software platform that will allow critical components of the flexible, digitised energy market to share data seamlessly.

First blockchain based grid asset register launched
Electron, National Grid Electricity System Operator, SP Energy Networks and UK Power Networks have joined forces to create a shared register for generation and storage asset data.

Creating a digital twin
Jeff Casey, business development director, UK, Burns & McDonnell - discusses the advantages of a digital twin in the power sector.

Taskforce sets out recommendations to modernise energy system
Digitalisation sits at the heart of five key recommendations set out by the Energy Data Taskforce that it says will modernise the UK energy system.

The pillars of policy
How do you create infrastructure policy in an uncertain world? A recent roundtable discussion hosted by Network and National Grid sought to find out. Tom Grimwood was there.

Digitalisation and data
Stephen Goldspink, director of customer services at Siemens Energy Management, talks about the importance of data and how a new digital transformer will provide real time asset status to network operators.

Meeting grid challenges
Adrian Timbus, technology and solutions manager, smart grids and renewables at ABB - discusses how digitalisation is supporting energy transformation.

Technology & Operations
Digitalising the network
The digital transformation of distribution networks to connect and monitor assets is not a new concept. But while the proliferation of connected devices enables organisations to gather data from the network, are UK operators doing enough to harness the opportunities of digitalisation? Siemens' Victor Sellwood - senior consultant, energy business advisory - speaks to Network.

Going digital: the hidden wealth of grids
Bernard Magee, head of strategy and marketing for power networks at Siemens Energy Management, discusses the benefits of digitalisation when it comes to sharing data.