
What can we learn from August 9th?


What can we learn from August 9th?

The summer of 2019 saw the disconnection of more than a million electricity customers in Britain's largest single electricity system disturbance in over ten years. Here, UKERC co-director, Professor Keith Bell, summarises the findings of the government and regulator investigations into the incident and unpacks potential lessons for the electricity sector and its readiness for further decarbonisation without compromising security of supply.

Power companies pay £10.5m for 9 August black out


Power companies pay £10.5m for 9 August black out

Ofgem's investigation into the 9 August power outages has led to £4.5m pay outs by the owners of two generators - Hornsea One and Little Barford - that lost connection to the grid, as well as £1.5m from UK Power Networks for reconnecting customers too soon.

Getting the power back on


Getting the power back on

National Grid ESO is aiming for a world first - coordinating multipe distributed energy resources (DERs) to provide a safe Black Start service in its Distributed ReStart project. Alec Peachey spoke to project lead Peter Chandler.

Dealing with a digitalised grid if the internet breaks down


Dealing with a digitalised grid if the internet breaks down

What might happen to a digitalised grid if the internet breaks down? Phil Lawton, power systems practice manager at the Energy Systems Catapult, asks and answers a difficult question

Blackout report highlights need for review of security of supply standards


Blackout report highlights need for review of security of supply standards

National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) has suggested that there should be a review of the security and quality of supply standards (SQSS) to determine whether it is appropriate to provide higher levels of resilience in the UK's electricity system following last month's blackout.

Industry views on blackout


Industry views on blackout

With National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) set to provide a final detailed report on last month's blackout to Ofgem today (6 September), a selection of industry experts provide analysis of what happened and lessons that need to be learnt.

Report finds lightning strike played a part in blackout


Report finds lightning strike played a part in blackout

An interim report from National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) says that a lightning strike and the sudden loss of two large electricity generators was to blame for this month's blackout.

Government must heed ‘nightmarish’ black out warning


Government must heed ‘nightmarish’ black out warning

GMB, the energy union, has called on the government to heed 'nightmarish' blackout warnings from the Institute of Engineering and Shipbuilding in Scotland.