The Renewable Energy Association (REA) has launched an ultra-low emission vehicle group to help support the emerging sector in delivering a sustainable energy supply.
The new sub-group of the established renewable transport group will represent members across the transport, energy and technology sectors who are working to deliver a sustainable transition to low-emission vehicles.
Alongside delivering a fuel source the group’s priorities will include securing the long-term regulatory environment for new and emerging technologies.
It will also work closely with the associations’ energy storage and solar groups.
The renewable transport group’s chair Grant Pearson said the establishment of the group recognises that “new and emerging low-emission vehicle technologies must be fuelled from renewable energy sources if the mass transition to ULEVs is to be sustainable.”
REA’s head of electric vehicles Tanya Sinclair said: “With a strong track record of helping drive emerging technologies, such as solar PV, renewable heat, and now energy storage, into the mainstream, the REA is well positioned to support the sustainable mass uptake of ULEVs in the UK.”