Networks specialist joins free UW asset data webinar

Dan Wilson, asset data manager and Network Management System Data Lead at Electricity North West, will join the line up on Utility Week's forthcoming webinar on using AI technology to improve asset data.

14th November 2019 by Networks

Networks specialist joins free UW asset data webinar

Wilson is part of the asset management team at Electricity North West (ENW) and leads on the company’s asset information strategy and governance of corporate data.

This remit covers both short-term tactical management of data requirements and the long-term strategy across data collection, storage, analysis and presentation to support the operation of the business.

Alongside his primary role, Wilson is also involved in the wider asset management strategy functions of the team.

He will be presenting on challenges of ENW’s Network Management System project which involves the company building the full network model from a GIS and Asset Register, and how the team prepared their data to enable this.

The free Utility Week webinar will also focus on how AI-based technology is helping utility companies track the precise location of roadside assets.

Ordnance Survey and Mobileye, an Intel company, have launched trials to create the first detailed roadside infrastructure dataset of Great Britain for a new, accurate and customisable location information service.

To support the trials, Northumbrian Water Group has become the first utility company in the UK to join the project.

Experts from Ordnance Survey, Mobileye and Northumbrian will all take part in the webinar on November 19.

Fleets of vans and cars fitted with Mobileye’s automotive camera-based mapping technology will capture a street-level (or worm’s eye) view of the nation’s road network.

Retrofitted with the Mobileye 8 Connect, the vehicles are detecting, processing and sending data to the cloud for aggregation before the information is provided to Ordnance survey.

The utility sector is among the first markets to take advantage of new data services from Mobileye and OS.

Utility businesses will be able to enhance the quality of their existing asset data, making it faster and simpler to identify and link above-ground and underground assets. Companies can monitor the condition of their assets, saving them money and time when planning asset maintenance programmes.

As part of the trials, Northumbrian vehicles will be retrofitted with the Mobileye solution to help capture data across the North East of England.

Clive Surman-Wells, Northumbrian operations solutions manager, who will talk about the trials said: “We’re really excited and proud to be the first utility company to have the opportunity to try this new technology. There are so many benefits that have the potential to really change the game when it comes to helping manage our networks and keep our customers’ water flowing.”

Utility Week, in association with Ordnance Survey and Mobileye, will explain in the webinar how the innovative new application of artificial intelligence for asset data capture is:

  • helping utilities overcome key frustrations with patchy information about the location and health of assets
  • supporting alignment of above and below ground asset maps
  • promoting better asset management
  • safeguarding field workers
  • promoting fleet efficiency

Register here for the webinar on November 19.


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