Eric Brown, the head of innovation at the Energy Systems Catapult, outlines the next stages of Future Power System Architecture Project
David Smith, chief executive of the Energy Networks Association, pushes back against accusations that UK energy networks are making excessive returns.
The Energy Networks Association's David Smith reveals the co-ordinated transition to DSO will be its key focus over the coming years.
The Energy Networks Association's response to BEIS' Smart Systems consultation will focus on facilitating the transition to DSO, David Smith reveals.
Network's editor suggests Ofgem's recent LCNF review is a good place for networks seeking self improvement to find inspiration.
Ofgem's Jonathan Brearley discusses the outcomes of the regulator's recent review of innovation funding and its application.
With innovation funding hanging in the balance, Duncan Botting urges all those with an interest in maintaining the funding mechanism make their voice heard.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Network's Stewart Reid draws out his top three themes from this year's Low Carbon Networks Conference.