district heating
Heat Interface Units: efficiency and performance expectations
Heat Interface Units are integral elements in any heat network, but they are also often a source of inefficiency and confused expectations shows a project funded by the department of Energy and Climate Change.
ADE sets out policy roadmap for heat networks
The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) has set out a policy roadmap which would “level the playing field” for heat networks and make them subsidy free from 2021.
Governance needed to fill heat policy ‘vacuum’
A new independent report has called for new governance arrangements to fill the “vacuum” for decision making and delivery in the heat sector.
STA: Support solar thermal for district heating
Removal of solar thermal technology from the domestic and non-domestic renewable heat incentive will “kill off” a potentially important contributing technology to the district heating sector, the Solar Trade Association (STA) has warned.
RHI reform and diversifying low carbon heat technologies
Drastic reforms to the renewable heat incentive could cut off a budding low carbon heat industry in its prime, says Owain Mortimer. Instead, reforms should be finding ways to increase and diversify low carbon heat technology uptake.
Heat networks and the trilemma
Responding to the trilemma is about more than just keeping the lights on argues Gareth Jones. Heat should play a much bigger role in our thinking about the future of energy.
Heat networks bottleneck
Substandard training for heat network engineering in the UK is stopping the burgeoning sector from realising its potential, says Ian Manders.