district heat networks

Switch2Energy and Cornwall Insight join Rewire-NW
Rewire-NW, which is led by community energy and sustainability charity Pure Leapfrog, has won a share of £21m of funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) for 10 ground-breaking smart UK energy projects.

BEIS spotlights heat networks with consultation and grants
The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) has welcomed two new government announcements supporting heat networks: a consultation in advance of dedicated legislation and the award of £40m to seven projects through the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP).

Time to regulate heat networks
New regulations planned for heat networks will protect consumers and reduce risks for developers, explains Charlotte Owen, policy officer at the Association for Decentralised Energy - in part of our Utility of the Future series.

Bristol’s bold leap of faith
Like many local authorities, Bristol City Council isn't waiting for government to lead in the net-zero challenge; it's identified £1bn of decarbonisation projects and is seeking a private sector "strategic partner" to make them happen. Councillor Kye Dudd tells Network's Elaine Knutt about the plan.

OPSS advises on new heat network notification rules
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), the government agency responsible for enforcing the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014, has announced changes to the official notification process for heat network operators.

Veolia signs £22m district heating contract
Veolia has signed a new £22 million, 25 year district heating management contract with specialist regeneration and property developer U+I.

Report identifies heat network cost savings
The capital costs of UK heat networks could be reduced by 30-40%, according to a report from the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI).