Network launches editorial board

Network has launched an editorial advisory board which is made up of key figures from the sector.

15th March 2018 by Networks

Network launches editorial board

Members will offer insight about marketplace happenings; give thoughts and opinions on topical issues, provide ideas for features and news contributions and help to steer the editorial direction of the magazine.

Network editor Alec Peachey said: “I’m delighted to introduce to readers our editorial advisory board. The board is made up of experienced experts from the gas, power and heat networks.

“With a once in a generation transformation of the energy system taking place it’s important that we’re able to call upon their knowledge and experience to help ensure Network’s content continues to meet the needs of the sector.”

The board is made up of the following representatives:


Jonathan Brearley, senior partner, networks, Ofgem

Louise Kingham OBE, chief executive, Energy Institute (EI)

John Parsons, networks portfolio manager, BEAMA

John Scott, independent consultant

Richard Court, head of regulation and external affairs, Cadent

Matt Rudling, director of customer services, UK Power Networks

Roger Hey, future networks manager, Western Power Distribution

Maxine Frerk, director, Grid Edge Policy

Bernard Magee, head of strategy and marketing for power networks, Siemens

Chris Clarke, director of asset management and health, safety & environment, Wales & West Utilities

Peter Jones, technology strategy manager power grids division, ABB

Ed Gill, UK head of press & public affairs, Energy Networks Association

Tim Rotheray, director, Association for Decentralised Energy

Mark Thompson, senior innovation lead – energy systems, Innovate UK

Joss Clarke, head of stakeholder and external communications, RIIO T2 – National Grid

Ellen Bennett, utilities content director, Network


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