SSEN customers offered flexible connection option

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) will offer flexible connections to all of its customers.

21st May 2019 by Networks

SSEN customers offered flexible connection option

Flexible connections allow customers to connect to the grid quicker but had previously only been offered to customers that live in areas of significant demand on the grid causing constraint.

The operator says that the flexible connections offer is further evidence of the possibilities and opportunities created by the transition to a smarter network.

Andrew Roper, DSO director at SSEN, said: “The proliferation of low-carbon technology and generation opens up opportunities for our customers to engage with the electricity system that serves them, in new and exciting ways. We are taking this step to be responsive to customer needs, and in response to what customers were telling us.

“In 2015 SSEN launched the Connections Customer Steering Panel and allows the company’s senior management team to meet with customers face-to-face and hear first-hand about their connections experience, and what actions that SSEN should be taken.

“SSEN is committed to acting on the comments, ideas and suggestions that result from our engagement with our customers, and this is the perfect example of this. Our customers said that they want choice when it comes to connections, and by offering flexible connections to all customers, SSEN is responding and making that possible.”

Generation customers that are seeking to connect to the gird will now have the option to choose flexible over traditional, and SSEN is embedding this practice as business-as-usual, meaning the choice will be open to all those located in its two distribution areas.


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