frequency response

Frequency Response

Technology & Operations

Frequency Response

System frequency is a continuously changing variable that is determined and controlled by the second-by-second (real time) balance between system demand and total generation. If demand is greater than generation, the frequency falls while if generation is greater than demand, the frequency rises. National Grid use generation and demand to control system frequency within operational limits.

UK’s largest flow battery system connected to grid


UK’s largest flow battery system connected to grid

The UK's largest flow battery system has been connected up to the power grid.

Northern Powergrid deploys battery storage for frequency response


Northern Powergrid deploys battery storage for frequency response

Northern Powergrid has begun using battery storage to provide frequency response for National Grid - the first time it has ever sold balancing services to the system operator.

UK to host record breaking energy storage scheme


UK to host record breaking energy storage scheme

Europe's largest hybrid flywheel-battery storage project - the first ever in the UK - is to be installed at a University of Sheffield research facility near Wolverhampton.

RES teams up with National Grid to offer frequency response service


RES teams up with National Grid to offer frequency response service

Renewable Energy Systems (RES) is to provide 20MW of frequency response to the national transmission network from battery storage for the first time in the UK.

Storage will deliver sub-second flexibility


Storage will deliver sub-second flexibility

ABB's Colin green extols the virtues of battery energy storage systems for maintaining grid stability.

Virtual energy storage startup get £500,000 seed funding


Virtual energy storage startup get £500,000 seed funding

UK start-up Upside has secured £545,000 from angel investors to expand its enterprise and bring its virtual energy storage proposition to market.