Carbon Capture

Five hydrogen projects share £28m BEIS funding
Five projects geared to developing hydrogen as a low carbon fuel are to share £28m in government funding, as part of a £90m funding package aimed at cutting both domestic and industrial emissions.

Hydrogen must benefit UK more than offshore wind, say businesses
The government needs to set a policy framework that means the economic advantages of the hydrogen transition benefit businesses and jobs growth in the UK, constrasting with the experience in the offshore wind farm sector, an event heard.

Queen’s Speech promises net-zero policies in 2020 budget
The Queen's Speech from the new Conservative government this week reaffirmed its commitment to achieving net-zero and investing in renewable energy, but contained little in the way of detail, promising instead that the first budget will prioritise a range of net-zero enablers.

ENA welcomes select committee’s CCUS report
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has welcomed the findings of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee report on carbon, capture, usage and storage (CCUS) - including plans to prioritise the production of low-carbon hydrogen.

ETI report highlights importance of CCUS deployment
If Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) is not deployed over the next decade, the UK's transition to a low carbon energy system will face increased risk and higher costs says a new report released by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI).

Swift and decisive action needed on carbon capture
Is the UK on the brink of finally realising the economic and environmental potential of Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) technology? A report by the Government's CCUS Taskforce urges swift and decisive action to tip the balance for an industry primed to deliver. Simon Fairman, director network strategy and safety at Cadent, gives his view.