Winners of GDN Carbon Monoxide Charity Fund announced

The companies that are responsible for running the gas networks across the UK have confirmed the winners of their Carbon Monoxide (CO) Charity Fund.

23rd October 2017 by Networks

Winners of GDN Carbon Monoxide Charity Fund announced

The fund was set up to provide UK charities with the opportunity to apply for funding to support their CO-related initiatives.

The GDN’s which comprise Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, SGN, and Wales & West Utilities agreed to fund three new and innovative campaigns that will raise awareness of the risks, dangers and symptoms of CO and seek to prevent further CO poisoning cases in the UK.

This year’s winners were Angus Care and Repair, the Dominic Rodgers Trust and RoSPA. Their initiatives were as follows:

• Angus Care and Repair – CO Alarm and Home Safety Campaign.

• Dominic Rodgers Trust – Text CO Awareness campaign at 4 Premier League Football Grounds.

• ROSPA – CO ‘Scratch and Sniff’ Campaign.

Tom Bell, chair of the GDN’s CO best practice group, said: “We are pleased that GDN’s across the UK have collaborated to set up this important fund, providing support to charities who already work on CO-related initiatives and engaging new charities with fresh ideas to get involved. The standard of applications received was exceptional, and congratulations to those charities who were awarded funding. The fund has achieved its central aim of supporting fresh thinking for raising awareness of CO poisoning and we look forward to next year’s entries.”

CO is the most common type of accidental poisoning and symptoms include dizziness, sickness, and tiredness.

The Department of Health estimates around 4,000 people attending Accident and Emergency departments in the UK are diagnosed with CO poisoning.


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