Smarter Grid Solutions launches new energy resources management system

Smarter Grid Solutions launches new energy resources management system to help accelerate the net zero transition

31st March 2020 by barnabyd

Smarter Grid Solutions launches new energy resources management system

Smarter Grid Solutions’ new version of their distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) will allow even more renewable energy devices to be connected to power grids, helping countries to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement and ahead of the United Nations’ COP26 environmental summit, due to be held in Glasgow this November.

ANM Strata 3.0, Smarter Grid Solutions’ third generation DERMS, moves power companies a step closer to being able to monitor and manage tens of thousands of distributed energy resources (DER) simultaneously.

At present, control systems can only handle tens to hundreds of devices, but the need to manage thousands is a near term prospect.

The release of the latest upgrade is a major step towards helping network providers to enable the net zero carbon dioxide emission targets being set by a growing number of countries.

Colin Gault, head of products at SGS, said: “ANM Strata 3.0 is a leap forward in network operators’ abilities to meet the challenges of reaching net zero and tackling the climate emergency.

“Renewable energy and energy storage are essential components to decarbonise our power networks and this is the software that will enable much larger numbers of energy devices to be integrated into the grid while maintaining stability.

“ANM Strata 3.0 also includes extensions to the existing DER dispatch application and more customisation of the user interface.”



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