Open Networks Project phase 3 consultation launched

Phase 3 of the Energy Networks Association's Open Networks Project has gone out to public consultation.

23rd January 2019 by Networks

Open Networks Project phase 3 consultation launched

The Phase 3 Work Plan consultation launched on Monday (21 January) and provides an opportunity for all industry stakeholders – from electricity network users to aggregators and community energy schemes – to consider the full project plans for 2019 and provide feedback on priorities, scope and timelines.

The project launched two years ago and is an initiative that brings together around 50 industry experts to lay the foundations of the smart grid in Great Britain (GB) and inform future developments in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

In 2019, the project will expand upon its focus on the future of the whole electricity system by looking across the energy system at gas, heat, transport and waste. In the short-term, the project will continue to enable a staggered roll-out of new standards, procedures and processes.

According to the ENA, the project will continue to provide valuable input to wider industry developments, including Ofgem’s Significant Code Review of network charging and access and the Government’s recently established Energy Data Taskforce.

ENA will host an in-depth discussion with leading policymakers on 1 February 2019 to discuss the progress of the Open Networks Project and look ahead to 2019. Key speakers include: David Capper, head of future electricity systems, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Louise van Rensburg, interim deputy director, energy systems transition, Ofgem.

ENA chief executive David Smith said: “The Open Networks Project is playing a key role in ensuring the wider digital transformation of the energy system, described as the Internet of Energy, benefits the British public, businesses and the UK.

“It is set to be the biggest year yet for the Open Networks Project as it continues to lead the industry forward and builds on its focus on the whole electricity system by looking across the energy system at gas, heat, transport and waste.

“We can expect a major boost to flexibility services markets in 2019, with the continued growth of smart energy technologies coupled with data to provide flexibility services to the grid, such as energy storage or demand-side response.”

All responses to the 2019 phase 3 work plan consultation must be submitted electronically to by 22 February.


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