Final chance to enter Utility Week Stars Awards

The deadline for entries to the 2018 Utility Week Stars Awards is fast approaching.

29th March 2018 by Networks

Final chance to enter Utility Week Stars Awards

Executives and managers have until Tuesday 3 April to nominate teams and individuals who have gone above and beyond to keep water and gas flowing and the lights on across the nation.

The awards recognise the heroes of the utility sector for their contribution to the delivery of critical services to UK consumers.

The Utility Week Stars Awards also provide an opportunity to highlight outstanding schemes for collaboration with communities, the supply chain and education in the interests of improving sector image and efficiency.

Awards are open to companies of all sizes from all parts of the utilities industry. The initiative, project or campaign in most cases should be completed during 2016/17.

A special ceremony will take place at the Hilton Manchester Deansgate hotel on 29 June.

For full details and to nominate your utilities heroes go to


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