ETI sets out multi-vector energy plan

A new report from the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) has laid out possible strategies for achieving an integrated approach to energy system planning.

1st November 2016 by Networks

ETI sets out multi-vector energy plan

The new piece of research shows why current energy system governance and regulatory frameworks are not fit for purpose in a low carbon, decentralised energy future.

It calls for a new “whole system” approach to adapt and enhance current energy networks so that climate change targets can be met and the full potential of new energy technologies realised.

The report concludes that government must incentivise and target investment in multi-vector energy solutions in the near term.

[image_library_tag 25502aa8-acc5-4abc-b48b-454b46d16da4 458×282 alt=” ossible interaction between different energy networks ource etworks ransition hallenges ” width=”458″ border=”0″ ] Possible interaction between different energy networks. Source: UK Networks Transition Challenges, ETI


Speaking about the report findings, Liam Lidstone, ETI strategy manager for energy storage and distribution said: “Choices need to be made soon about which networks to build, develop, maintain or decommission, as well as where and when to do so.

“As networks can take years or even decades to build, the right decisions must be made ahead of need because once they are built they cannot easily be moved or changed. This means the decisions taken need to be right for the long term.” 

ETI’s report uses two whole system energy adaptation scenarios to suggest what investment and change will be required to achieve efficiencies across energy vectors.

These scenarios are played out across, electricity, gas and heat networks individually and then considered from an integrated perspective. The first scenario, “Clockwork”, assumes a central planning approach to multi-vector system adaption, the second scenario, “Patchwork”, assumes local control over the process of change.



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