ETI launches hydrogen storage project

The Energy Technologies Institute has launched a new phase of an investigation into the use of UK salt caverns for the storage of hydrogen gas.

22nd April 2016 by Networks

ETI launches hydrogen storage project

The project builds on findings in a report published by ETI last year which identified significant value in the potential use of salt caverns for storing hydrogen gas which could then be used to power gas turbines when demand for electricity is high.

According to ETI there are at least 30 salt caverns in the UK which could be used in this way. Currently they are used to store natural gas for the power and heating market.

ETI is now calling for proposals from potential partners to the project. The deadline for proposals is 2 June and the deadline for expressions of interest is 11 May.

Explaining the ambitions of the project, ETI’s Paul Winstanley said the “end goal” is “to understand the challenges, opportunities and costs of creating and operating these stores.

“Storing and using hydrogen can be a low cost way of providing clean power for peak and load following demand.

“Large amounts of energy can be stored, with one cavern providing enough storage capacity to satisfy the peak demands of a single UK city.”




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