Energy & Utility Skills Group appoints new chair

The energy and utilities sector body for development of skills and training standards has appointed Jan Ward CBE as its new chair.

20th July 2016 by Networks

Energy & Utility Skills Group appoints new chair
[image_library_tag bd4a669d-b17e-45fc-9fda-8d25561c2417 200×250 alt=” an ard chief executive of orrotherm nternational and chair of nergy tility kills” width=”200″ ] Jan Ward CBE, chief executive of Corrotherm International and chair of Energy & Utility Skills

 Ward replaces Dr Jack Carnell who has served as EU Skills chair for seven years.

Ward runs a successful UK-based manufacturing firm, Corrotherm International, producing specialist metals for the oil and gas industry. She has a strong history of promoting engineering skills needs and is an advocate for the progression of women in engineering roles. She has held a number of government advisory roles over the past 15 years.

Ward joins Energy & Utility Skills as it transitions to become a membership a membership-led organisation with a focus on the commercial delivery of support services across the power, gas, waste management, water, and wider infrastructure sectors.

On announcing Ward as Energy & Utility Skills’ new chair, chief executive Nick Ellins welcomes her and said: “It is a pivotal time to join the sector.  We are engaged across the UK governments, regulators and key industry audiences to secure better understanding of the vital role of a sustainable sector workforce in delivering the needs of society and the economy.

“Supported by the major utilities, their delivery partners and supply chain, we will be collectively working to attract people to fulfilling careers in our industries, develop their abilities and assure their competence.”

Ellins also thanked Carnell for his services while in office. “I am personally grateful for the seven years Jack Carnell has dedicated to our organisation and the whole sector.” Said Ellins. “He has provided constant support and guidance across the entire business, and dedicated his time to nurturing the people and developing their capabilities.”  

Speaking about her appointment, Jan said she is “bursting with enthusiasm”.

She added that a personal focus in her new role will be “working with our members and partners to change the perception of the sector”. 

She added that: “The skills agenda is particularly important to me personally.  Qualifications have had a big impact on my life and this post will give me the chance to make a difference to other people’s lives in the same positive way. Together we will demonstrate the vast range of opportunities on offer to the young people of today.”

Ward left school with no qualifications and experienced a period of homelessness before qualifying as a mechanical engineer and setting up her own business.


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