ENA launches next stage of innovation strategy plans

Plans to put gas and electricity grids at the forefront of energy innovation have moved forward with the energy industry invited to take part in a number of workshop events in November.

24th October 2017 by Networks

ENA launches next stage of innovation strategy plans

Energy Networks Association (ENA), representing the UK’s 15 gas and electricity transmission and distribution networks, is today (24 October) opening registration for two industry workshops on its Electricity Innovation Strategy to be hosted next month. The workshops, which are free to attend and will be held in Glasgow and London, have been designed to seek maximum input from stakeholders in shaping the future of network innovation.

Consultation documents on the gas and electricity networks’ Joint Innovation Strategies will also be launched in the coming weeks. Network innovation is essential to creating smarter, cleaner energy grids to deliver financial benefits to consumers. Examples of innovation include battery storage and electric vehicle-2-grid projects being developed by electricity networks, and biomethane, bioSNG and hydrogen projects being developed by gas networks.

These projects allow network operators to better understand how to integrate new low-carbon technologies into energy networks, helping identify new opportunities for their use and speeding up their wider adoption.

The networks are taking a whole systems approach to network innovation, where both gas and electricity is considered as well as the interdependence between power, heat, transport and waste.

This next phase of engagement continues a process launched in August by ENA, when plans to develop two joint network innovation strategies- a Gas Network Innovation Strategy and an Electricity Network Innovation Strategy – were announced.

David Smith, CEO of ENA comments: “In recent years the UK has established itself as a world leader in smart grid technology through the innovation projects led by network companies. Through the joint innovation strategies and initiatives like the Open Network Project, network companies want to hear the best and the brightest ideas of how we can harness the potential of energy technology.

“At the heart of this process is the question of how our networks can act as a platform for launching new energy technologies and services that will put the UK at the forefront of a global low carbon transformation.”

Full details of the Electricity Network Innovation Strategy are available here. 


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