ENA invites feedback on gas innovation strategy

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) is inviting industry stakeholders to play a vital role in shaping the future of energy innovation through the launch of its Gas Network Innovation Strategy.

2nd November 2017 by Networks

ENA invites feedback on gas innovation strategy

The Strategy sets out the challenges and the opportunities facing the gas transmission and distribution networks as the UK looks to decarbonise its energy system to meet climate change targets. It looks at the role that existing gas infrastructure can play in meeting demand for power, heat and transport in a low carbon economy. The Strategy seeks views from technology providers on how they would like to see gas network companies play a role in delivering greater energy innovation in the future.

Gas network companies are seeking feedback on the content, structure and style of the Strategy and will discuss the draft at ENA’s Low Carbon Networks and Innovation conference in December.

David Smith (pictured), CEO of ENA, comments: “Continued innovation across our electricity and gas networks is vital to building on the success already seen in this part of our energy sector. These strategies are not only about encouraging network companies to bring forward innovative projects and embed a culture of innovation within their organisations but also about giving stakeholders the chance to help shape that process.”

The UK’s gas networks are playing an important role in the UK’s climate change agenda by supporting decarbonisation by balancing the intermittency of increasing penetration of renewable generation on the electricity network. In recent years gas network companies, supported by the RIIO price control framework, have been responsible of introducing a range of innovation projects that have potential to decarbonise our heat supply whilst providing new ways of reducing the cost of supplying gas to customers.

As part of the consultation, a joint breakout session with the electricity networks will be held at ENA’s Low Carbon Networks and Innovation conference in December. This will give stakeholders the opportunity to learn more about draft Gas and Electricity Network Innovation Strategies as well as provide an opportunity to share their views and question innovation leads on the panel.


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