Boost district heating to help worst off, says SSE

A new report published by SSE advocates the increased use of district heating in the UK to help combat heating efficiency and affordability.

29th June 2016 by Networks

Boost district heating to help worst off, says SSE

The report follows a retrofit district heating scheme on Glasgow’s Wyndford Estate which comprises 1,800 homes most of which are social housing. 

In this economically deprived area, the introduction of district heating led to a 50% drop in the number of residents who said they cut back on food expenses in order to pay for heating. It also delivered a 63% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Other findings, researched in partnership with the University of Edinburgh were that the number of residents feeling too cold at home on the estate fell to 4% compared to 53% last winter and 37 residents were able to clear a combined £12,263 of debt thanks to the efficiency of the scheme.

The energy centre for the Wyndford Estate houses a 1.2 MW CHP engine, three 4.5 MW gas boilers and a 120,000 litre thermal store.

The heating network comprises around 5km of heavily insulated underground pipes to deliver heat to homes. The system represents a £13.9m investment from SSE, Cube Housing Association and Scottish Government.

SSE’s full report on the Wyndford Estate district heating scheme titled Sustainable Heating: Reducing Costs, Improving Comfort and Lowering Carbon Emissions, will be launched officially at an event in Glasgow on 29 June.


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