ZIV keeps innovating towards full grid intelligence

ZIV Automation discuss the importance of advanced monitoring of low and medium voltage distribution networks.

9th May 2018 by Networks

ZIV keeps innovating towards full grid intelligence

Advanced monitoring of low and medium voltage distribution networks is gaining momentum all around the globe as distribution system operators (DSOs) realise the importance of low voltage (LV) grids in their relationship with consumers and prosumers.

ZIV Automation is working side by side with major distribution and transmission system operators to go deeper into the process of digitalisation that began more than two decades ago. In electricity networks, nearly 100 per cent of the primary substations are already automated, which results in a significative improvement of the system operation.

Presently, distribution utilities have made significant investments in smart meter deployments.

The combination of measurement, control and telecommunications at reasonable cost results in a technological breakthrough because of the capabilities for customer management that are unlocked. ZIV’s smart meters, either PLC, radio or cellular enabled are a key component of these deployments.

Now, the combination of LV monitoring with MV monitoring and control is a territory to be conquered. Some utilities have already deployed systems where information from LV and MV grids is analysed concurrently to operate the network accordingly. Results published by some utilities, in which ZIV is providing solutions for distribution automation, show that where the LV advanced monitoring systems, smart meters, MV monitoring and control and data analytics have been deployed, the performance indicators (SAIDI, SAIFI) have improved dramatically while capital (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX) expenditures have been optimised.


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