Capula hits deadline on SCS upgrade framework

Capula has completed refurbishment works to schedule on the first eight substations under its contract to upgrade National Grid's Substation Control System (SCS).

1st March 2017 by Networks

Capula hits deadline on SCS upgrade framework

The work included an upgrade at Hutton substation where Capula’s approach cut the traditional nine months it takes to do a full replacement to just eight weeks, with just one primary circuit outage over the usual multiple outages.

It also represents the first substation on the framework to have a complete refurbishment installed into existing cubicles.

Capula was named as a key supplier on National Grid’s SCS upgrade framework last year. The program will eventually involve the refurbishment and replacement of control systems across a number of substation sites nationally.

The work includes the deployment of Capula’s Imperium solution which is able to reduce electrical outage times from weeks to minutes.

The SCS upgrade framework works will continue to take place on a further 19 sites in 2017, with all remaining works expected to be completed by 2020.

Martin Payne, Capula’s transmission and distribution sector manager said: “We are pleased to support National Grid and help them maximise the availability of the network with these reduced outages.”

“The fact that Capula’s Imperium solution was selected for use at Hutton is a direct result of our professional engineers being able to apply their knowledge and understanding of leading control and automation technologies as part of a complete solution to maintain and enhance these critical assets.”


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