Burns & McDonnell registered as ICP
Burns & McDonnell is now registered as an Independent Connection Provider (ICP) and can carry out work on the UK electricity network up to 132kV.
10th April 2019 by Networks

The company has been granted National Electricity Registration Scheme (NERS) accreditation which entitles it to carry out contestable design work on connection projects.
This includes the newly-introduced 132kV self-determination of the Point of Connection to the network.
The recent move to recognise the capability of select ICPs to determine network connection points up to 132kV, a responsibility previously reserved for DNOs, has increased competition in the connections work sector.
Jonathan Chapman (pictured), Burns & McDonnell’s UK managing director, said: “It’s a testament to our team’s superb professionalism that our capabilities have been recognised in each of the categories for which we sought accreditation. We’re excited to now compete for and deliver a wide variety of contestable connections work across the UK.
“I’m immensely proud that our competency and training management system and quality control process were singled out during the NERS audit as being especially impressive. I’ve no doubt that having our entire design capability based in-house has contributed to this cohesion and to this important step.”
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