stakeholder engagement
WPD maintains place at top of stakeholder engagement table
Western Power Distribution (WPD) has strengthened its place at the top of the industry table for stakeholder engagement and customer vulnerability in the annual Ofgem incentive.
The future of gas
Tony Nixon, head of gas transmission, regulation, National Grid talks to Network editor Alec Peachey about a range of subjects including decarbonisation, taking a whole system approach and the future role of gas.
Embracing change
Akshay Kaul, director of network price controls at Ofgem, speaks exclusively to Network editor Alec Peachey about the regulator's stakeholder engagement incentive and a range of other subjects including RIIO2, innovation and the future energy system.
WPD tops Ofgem’s stakeholder incentive scheme
Western Power Distribution has strengthened its place at the top of the industry table for stakeholder engagement and customer vulnerability in the annual Ofgem incentive.
SGN announces chairs for customer engagement group
SGN has appointed a chair and two deputy chairs for its newly-formed customer engagement group.
The human element – stakeholder engagement
The Carbon Trust sets out five steps for engaging with stakeholders in district energy projects.