WPD to reveal generation mix to customers

Western Power Distribution is to provide its customers with more information on the generation mix of electricity supplied in their area to improve customer relations and boost engagement with demand side response.

22nd August 2016 by Networks

WPD to reveal generation mix to customers

Western Power Distribution (WPD) will be trialling a new website and app with customers across its geographical area in partnership with the Carbon Trust to determine the appetite amongst consumers for more information on generation sources.

WPD said it is undertaking the £235,000 eight-month project through the network innovation allowance, called Carbon Tracing, to address “a perception that customers are increasingly interested in how their energy is made up”.

If the project is successful, the blueprint for the website and app will be provided to the other distribution operators for use with their customers.

WPD does not expect the website to lead to monetary savings, but instead believes in may act as a catalyst for uptake in demand side measures among its customers.


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