Total tapchanger solutions

Dr Jonathan Hiscock, managing director of Fundamentals Ltd, explains why tapchanger servicing is so important.

13th May 2019 by Networks

Total tapchanger solutions

Tapchangers are critical for the performance of the grid. They are used to keep voltage levels within statutory limits; something network operators are obliged to do, and which is an increasingly challenging task as the dynamics of the grid changes with the realisation of the low carbon economy.

The tapchanger is arguably one of the most vulnerable parts of the transformer since it’s the only moving part and requires regular maintenance to ensure optimum performance. Most network power transformers are equipped with on-load tapchangers (OLTCs). A typical OLTC has a recommended service interval (time between maintenance) of 10 years or less. It is critical to ensure that service requirements are observed in order to maintain the health of the transformer. Service of OLTCs is quite often overlooked or not done properly which can increase the risk of failure. Tapchanger failure can ultimately lead to total failure of the transformer itself.

Considering the typical service life of a tapchanger is less than 10 years, (depending on the tapchanger specification) maintenance should be performed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in order to ensure technical updates are carried out, all parts and accessories are produced and manufactured to original designs and specifications and fitted correctly.

Fundamentals is the OEM for Ferranti and GE legacy tapchangers and their engineers have been trained to cover all types of tapchangers.

For all your tapchanger requirements, email [email protected] or call 01793 847163.



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