Noise reduction technology being used at substation

UK Power Networks has installed pioneering noise reduction technology at a West London substation.

11th December 2017 by Networks

Noise reduction technology being used at substation

The world-first Noisetrap panels designed by Sonobex Limited, manufactured and installed by Merford Noise Control, in a trial by UK Power Networks at a substation in the Bayswater area, are based upon SonoTEC technology and absorb and cancel low frequency noise, whilst crucially allowing natural airflow to cool the electrical equipment inside the building.

The trial has proved a success, with the noise level being reduced from that of a busy restaurant to the quiet hush of the local library.

UK Power Networks, which keeps the lights on in London, the East and the South East, is now piloting the screens to see if they would be suitable for other sites where equipment can sometimes be heard from outside.

Unlike other solutions, the modular Noisetrap panels also allow easy access to the equipment for essential maintenance.

John Nagle, senior project manager at UK Power Networks, said: “It’s been really exciting to work on a project that has produced a solution that hasn’t been used anywhere else in the world. Our substations are often sited close to our customers’ premises so that they can deliver power to homes and businesses, but very occasionally the equipment inside can be heard by local residents. We want to be a good neighbour and keep disruption to a minimum. The screens offer a new option for us to use, in the rare cases where some operating noise can be heard outside of our sites.”



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