Next steps for network innovation
Ofgem's Jonathan Brearley discusses the outcomes of the regulator's recent review of innovation funding and its application.
5th December 2016 by Networks
Some of you will remember the landmark moment on May 10 this year when for the first time in well over 100 years, no coal was used to generate electricity in GB for several hours.
Coal generation during that month was displaced by renewables (especially solar) and other cleaner generation. It shows how far GB has progressed with encouraging renewable energy, but it also highlights one of the big issues we have to tackle to move to a lower carbon economy.
Around 7 GW of distributed generation is being connected year on year, as large centralised fossil fuel plant close. At the same time smart meters, energy efficiency and other new technology give customers much greater control over their energy use, as well as opportunities to generate electricity at home.
“The consultants found that since 2009, DNOs carried out 65 trials up to 37% of which can be incorporated directly into their work practices.”
These changes in the energy landscape put the role of electricity grids into sharp focus. Companies will need to be innovative when thinking about how their networks will adapt to the future. They also need to reconfigure grids to get the most out of their existing capacity. Only through innovation will we make the low carbon transition at lowest cost to consumers.
Ofgem has encouraged networks to innovate by investing in trials, the costs of which they can recover through our network price controls. So are the companies up to the task?
We have carried out a review of our innovation funding and we asked consultants, Pöyry and Ricardo Energy to assess progress by looking at the projects the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) delivered from 2009 to 2015 through the Low Carbon Networks (LCN) fund.
One of the LCN projects was carried out by UK Power Networks where it connected wind and solar generators by offering them cheaper connections if all generators that are part of the scheme agree to curtail their output at peak times.
Connections like this are cheaper because UKPN doesn’t have to carry out expensive grid reinforcement. Another project by Western Power Distribution also offered generators cheaper connections. Customers that connected more recently are more likely to be asked to curtail output at certain times. This project also trialled overlaying communications infrastructure over the electricity lines.
The consultants found that since 2009, DNOs carried out 65 trials up to 37% of which can be incorporated directly into their work practices. A further 41% could be suitable for rollout in future when the market requires them. This is a reasonable success rate, as by their nature some innovation projects will fail.
“Their view was that many DNOs still do not believe that innovation is critical to the success of their business.”
DNOs spent £300m on projects, and according to the consultants, benefits to customers are between £800m and £1.2bn if the projects are only rolled out as far as all DNOs. If the projects are rolled out more widely across Great Britain, the overall benefit is estimated at between £4.8bn and £8.1bn. We can’t be certain over these figures because it depends on what happens in the future, but this is an encouraging assessment of the value for money of this fund.
Overall the DNOs have made progress, moving from low to medium levels of innovation. If we are to have a smarter energy market, we need grid companies to be highly innovative. There will need to be a culture change within network companies for them to get there according to the consultants.
Their view was that many DNOs still do not believe that innovation is critical to the success of their business. The rate at which DNOs converted innovation into business as usual during the low carbon networks fund could have been quicker as well.
All networks can learn from the findings, and they must take these on board when applying for network innovation competition funding (the successor to the LCN Fund). The companies should also develop a coherent, industry-wide strategy for using innovation.
Involving more third parties in innovation is also critical. Non-network companies have good ideas which are not currently being taken forward as they need a ‘host DNO’ to work with. They have the skills and technology to make the projects work and they can also help to ensure best practice is followed and shared. For now we are telling network companies to ask third parties in a more formal way to come forward with proposals, so that there is a clearer call for them to get involved. To go further we would need government legislation.
Our price control formula for network regulation requires companies to develop outputs that their stakeholders want them to deliver. These include, for example, quicker connections and better customer service. When we next come to review the price controls, we expect the companies to show us how they will use innovation to deliver those outputs at lower costs for customers. In this way, innovation has to become a core part of each company’s business.
To sum up, the GB market faces a major challenge to adapt to a low carbon economy and the role networks play in helping this is very important. Our review into innovation funding is not about criticising the companies for what they haven’t done. The review explains the progress that has been made and recommends what needs to happen to build for the future.
Prior to the LCN Fund, the amount of innovation companies were using was minimal, so things have improved. But there is still a long way to go and it’s clear that we need a collective effort – one which pools the expertise of third parties, networks and industry experts to get us to the next level.
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