Final stage of Lewes power upgrade starts

UK Power Networks has started work on the final stage of a £2 million project to upgrade electricity supplies in Lewes, Sussex.

6th June 2018 by Networks

Final stage of Lewes power upgrade starts

Engineers have been carrying out improvements at an electricity substation that delivers power supplies to thousands of local homes and businesses.

This week work is starting to replace a second transformer. The first 120-tonne transformer was replaced over the autumn and the next one is due to be delivered later this month to meet growing demand for electricity in the local area.

Once the new equipment is on site further work will take place inside the substation to connect it to the wider electricity system.

Gary O’Brien, project manager at UK Power Networks, said: “We have seen demand for electricity increase at this site over the years which is why this investment is being carried out now to make sure we meet future demand and maintain reliable electricity supplies well into the future.

“Electricity is vital and this is one of a number of projects we are carrying out across the South East this year to make sure we continue to provide a reliable service for our customers.”

The substation in Lewes serves over 36,000 customers and the new transformer will convert the electricity voltage from 132,000 to 33,000-volts, ready to be delivered to other, smaller local substations before reaching local homes and businesses. The project is due to be completed by the end of July.


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