EV cross-sector group to take step forward

The cross-sector partnership between the automotive and electricity industries set up to support the development of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK is to take a step forward with its first group meeting next month.

28th April 2016 by Networks

EV cross-sector group to take step forward

Asset management company EA Technology said the inaugural group meeting of the EV Network Group will be held on 9 May and it will report its findings to government and stakeholders by summer 2018.

The EV Network Group was set up by EA Technology in January this year as a legacy project of the network innovation competition project My Electric Avenue (MEA) to prepare for the mass adoption of EVs.

The group is made up of a partnership between all six electricity distribution network operators and automotive manufacturers Nissan, Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover and Aston Martin.

EA Technology said the group also aims to draw on the expertise of a broad range of other stakeholders including government departments, Ofgem, infrastructure providers, investors and consumer representatives.

It will disseminate a wide range of projects currently underway and identify any “gaps” where further activity is required.

The MEA project, led by EA Technology and Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution ran trials of how human behaviour would lead to “clusters” of charging which would create a problem for DNOs.

However it also revealed that EV control technology could save £2.2 billion in network reinforcement costs by 2050.

Stewart Reid, head of asset management and innovation, Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution talks through the findings of the MEA project and the future of EVs here.


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