UKPN launches ‘industry first’ heat readiness strategy

UK Power Networks has outlined a strategy to help reduce the carbon impact of heating.

15th March 2020 by barnabyd

UKPN launches ‘industry first’ heat readiness strategy

UK Power Networks (UKPN) is holding a consultation on its strategy to encourage industry-wide collaboration and debate.

The network operator aims to be a ‘facilitator of decarbonised heat for all customers’ and its strategy document sets out a three-point approach:

  1. Inform heat decarbonisation policy through provision of data and evidence
  2. Deliver a great service experience for customers during the energy transition
  3. Undertake least regret actions to ensure electricity network readiness.

The document sets out a short-term strategy to begin facilitating the uptake of heat pumps and support early entrants to the market. It aims to help electricity networks understand, mitigate and prepare for the potential impact of electric heating.

Ian Cameron, head of customer service and innovation at UKPN said: “We undertook an extensive stakeholder engagement programme in the electric vehicle sector, which demonstrated how important it is to work closely and collaboratively with as much of the industry as possible.”

UKPN surveyed attendees at a recent event and found two thirds of housing developers polled are considering installing low carbon heating in forthcoming developments, and that almost half (40%) view initial upfront costs the biggest barrier to delivering low carbon heat.

The company has already undertaken a series of innovation projects to broaden industry understanding of the impacts and opportunities around decarbonising heat, including the four-year Low Carbon London and collaborative gas and electricity project Green City Vision.

Dr Joanne Wade OBE, deputy director of the Association for Decentralised Energy, said: “Decarbonising heat is essential if we are to reach net zero carbon emissions… the scale of the challenge means that no one organisation or sector can possibly have all the answers, which is why the consultation on the document is so important.”

Download the UK Power Networks Heat Strategy and take part in the open consultation here.




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