Energy management through waste heat to be explored

The potential for waste heat from air conditioning systems to reduce peak and overall load on the electricity distribution networks is to be explored in a new two-year study.

3rd August 2016 by Networks

Energy management through waste heat to be explored

Electricity North West (ENW) is to undertake a research project, funded through the network innovation allowance, to determine the feasibility of the technology to assist in energy management.

ENW said the deployment of air conditioning units is set to increase, requiring reinforcement of the network to accommodate the increased load.

Air conditioning units release a significant amount of waste heat and ENW in partnership with technology provider Futurebay will explore how that heat could be used to reduce and shift the overall energy requirements of a test site to the benefit of a DNO and its customers.

The project, called Electricity and Heat, will cost £545,000 and will be a mixture of research and development conducted at a single test location.


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