Network explains heat networks

Commonplace in Europe and gaining in popularity here, recent Government research has shown customers on heat networks on average pay £100 a year less than those on gas and report similar satisfaction with service.

Commonplace in Europe and gaining in popularity here, recent Government research has shown customers on heat networks on average pay £100 a year less than those on gas and report similar satisfaction with service. The government has set a target to grow the market from meeting just two per cent of our heating needs to around 20 per cent. This handy guide from Network, which is brought to you in association with the Association of Decentralised Energy (ADE) and the Heat Trust, explains the benefits of heat networks and how they work.


The guide covers the following topic areas:


  • What is a heat network and how do they work?
  • What are the advantages of a heat network?
  • What are the environmental benefits of a heat network?
  • What are the financial incentives to using a heat network?
  • Where are heat networks used?
  • In what ways are heat networks regulated?


The guide also includes an exclusive contribution from Heat Trust and a case study highlighting a district heating network that has been installed at King’s Cross London.  


Download the report to discover more about this important topic.