Editorial Board
The Network editorial board has been selected to ensure Network’s content offerings feature the most revealing expert insights and opinion on the latest issues from all corners of the gas, heat and power networks, at an exciting time of change within the industry.
Introducing the editorial board
Jonathan Brearley, Chief executive, Ofgem
“Currently overseeing the regulation of the UK’s energy system, Jonathan has a wealth of experience in both government and private sector roles and is an expert in energy strategy and policy.”
Bernard Magee, Head of strategy & marketing for power networks, Siemens
“An expert in the competitive power grid & EV charging infrastructure markets, Bernard has a strong focus on strategy within the energy industry and the macroeconomic, policy & regulatory challenges facing the energy industry today.”
John Scott, Independent consultant
“John has over 45 years experience in electricity distribution, transmission and regulation, having worked as director of engineering for National Grid Company and technical director for Ofgem.”
Peter Kocen, Senior press & public affairs manager, Energy Networks Association
“Peter has his finger on the pulse of the latest issues for transmission and distribution network operators for gas and electricity in the UK and Ireland.”
Louise Kingham OBE, Chief executive, Energy Institute (EI)
“As head of the EI, Louise is passionate about promoting and advancing knowledge, skills and good practice within the energy industry for society’s benefit.”
Chris Clarke, Director of asset management, health, safety & environment, Wales & West Utilities
“Chris is responsible for the asset investment and system operation teams and has recently led multiple research projects on the lowest cost pathway to decarbonise heat.”
David Richardson, Innovation lead for energy systems, Innovate UK
“David is passionate about transforming the energy sector, and discovering new business models and market structures that intelligently link supply, distribution, storage and demand patterns across power, heating and transport.”
Sul Alli, Director of safety, strategy & support services, UK Power Networks
“As an experienced utilities executive with a strong track record of delivering business transformation and operational performance improvement, Sul’s expertise lies in strategy development, regulation and delivering complex change programmes.”
Roger Hey, Future networks manager, Western Power Distribution
“Responsible for innovation projects, DERMS capability and DSO business improvement/changes, Roger’s specialties lie in energy/utilities, electricity smart grid, smart metering, IT management and telecommunications.”
Maxine Frerk, Director, Grid Edge Policy
“As a member of Ofgem’s electricity Network Innovation Competition panel, an Associate with Sustainability First and a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University, Maxine has a wealth of board-level experience, focusing on consumer, regulatory and public policy issues in the energy sector.”
Darren Jones, Technology manager, power grids division, ABB
“With a background in electrical and electronic engineering, Darren has amassed a range of operational experience and expertise giving him great insight into the evolving demands of today’s energy sector projects.”
Leigh Lipton, RIIO T2 Communications Lead – UK Regulation, National Grid
“Leigh’s expertise in communications and the energy sector as a whole provide him with cutting edge insights and analysis of the gas, power and heat networks during a time of transformative challenges.”
Ranjit Blythe, Director of communications & external affairs (interim), Cadent
“As a marketing specialist with over 20 years experience, Ranjit provides in-depth comment and analysis on the gas, power & heat networks’ policy, regulation and project developments.”