

Whether you want to generate new leads, meet senior engineers and technical leaders, raise brand awareness, increase engagement with the UK’s gas, power and heat networks or position yourselves as thought-leaders in this market, NETWORK offers a variety of media options to ensure you meet all your sales targets and marketing objectives. Our media pack can be downloaded here.

To find out more about the commercial opportunities contact:

Helen Smith – Business development manager
Tel: +44(0)1342 332109
Mob: +44(0)7733 265050

Utility Week's new Network Excellence hub

Network magazine will no longer be available after 12 June 2020.

Utility Week, the award-winning media brand for energy and water companies, is launching the Network Excellence hub, incorporating technical and operational content from its sister title Network.

Thank you for supporting Network and we look forward to you continuing your journey with Utility Week.

View the full message here