Ex-Cadent CEO to lead new ENA initiative
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has launched a new programme to coordinate efforts to create the “world’s first zero carbon gas grid” in the UK using a combination of hydrogen and biomethane. The Gas Goes Green initiative will proceed along a timetable laid out in the 2019‘Pathways to Net Zero’ report produced by Navigant and Imperial College London for the ENA. The project will be headed up by former Cadent chief executive Chris Train who has been appointed as Britain’s first “Green Gas Champion”. The ENA has listed 17 steps that will be taken as part of the first phase of the programme in 2020. They include:- Developing a timeline for when policy and investment decisions will be needed to decarbonise gas networks by 2050.
- Assessing the emissions reductions being delivered through the iron mains replacement programme and identifying the benefits of accelerating this work.
- Supporting reforms to gas quality regulations.
- Conducting geological studies to identify suitable locations for seasonal hydrogen storage.
- Analysing future requirements for hydrogen production, carbon capture and storage and network capacity.
- Evaluating options to increase the capacity of gas networks to receive biomethane, particularly in areas with limited demand.